mgr inż. Karol Pietrzyk
ORCID: 0000-0001-9108-9300
The topic of my dissertation is “Identification of the bioactive compounds and antimicrobial, antioxidant activities of products from spice plants used as an additive in meat raw materials and meat stuffing”.
The aim of the my research is production and identification of chemical composition of different type of products: water and ethanol extracts 40% and 70%; v / v and essential oils from selected spice plants (sage, rosemary and oregano). The next goal is to determine the antimicrobial properties of the obtained products from spice plants on selected microorganisms in model conditions. Another goal is to determine the effect of this spice plants products on the microbiological quality and storage stability of the food matrix in model raw and stuffing of various meats during storage in refrigerated (4-6 ° C) or frozen (-18 ° C) conditions, resulting from the action of bioactive substances contained in the prepared products of spice plants.
Most of the literature reports on the use of natural antimicrobial and antioxidant substances say about their addition to cold cuts, semi-finished products or meat raw materials. No information was found on the use of water extracts in the production of finished products, because the research conducted so far has focused mainly on the use of essential oils for this purpose. As a result of the research, the effect of the type of products from selected spice plants (sage, rosemary and oregano) on the growth of selected microorganisms under model laboratory conditions. The chemical composition of the obtained products from spice plants will also be determined. Bioactive compounds will be identified and their influence on the microbiological stability of raw materials and meat stuffing. An assessment will be made of the possibility of producing model meat stuffing subjected to heat treatment, to which selected spice plant extracts have been added in order to inhibit unfavorable sensory and microbiological changes, the aim of which will be to extend the storage stability of model meat stuffing subjected to heat treatment, during long-term refrigerated storage. (4–6 ° C) or freezing (–18 ° C), resulting from the action of bioactive substances contained in the prepared preparations of spice plants.
The research will reveal new information about the bioactive properties of important essential oils that have not been studied. Thus, the research results can help to provide a comprehensive view of the properties of selected biologically active substances contained in essential oils on all aspects assessed in this area. The objectives of the research are based on previous observations and conclusions from scientific experiments. Essential oils naturally occur in the environment and may also be introduced into research areas for human and animal health. Currently, only a few scientific experiments involve these substances, and the conclusions from them are complex and vague. Therefore, such research will bring important new information in the field of health sciences and will highlight the potential of essential oils for food preservation use rather than the use of synthetic and chemical substances.
- Miroslava Kačániová, Simona Kunová, Peter Haščík, Karol Pietrzyk, Maciej Kluz, Margarita Terentjeva, Tatsiana Savitskaya, Dmitrij Grinshpan, THE ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT OF THYME AND ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OILS AGAINST LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES IN SOUS VIDE TURKEY MEAT DURING STORAGE, Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences vol. 15, 2021, p. 575-584
- Maciej Kluz, Kamil Magon, Małgorzata Dżugan, Karol Pietrzyk, Dorota Grabek -Lejko, Edyta Zagrobelna, Czesław Puchalski, Agata Znamirowska, Miroslava Kačániová, Prozdrowotne właściwości i aktywność mikrobiologiczna owocu mangostanu, Żywność i jej bezpieczeństwo. Monografia, red. Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz. UR, 2020, s 30-39, ISBN 978-83-7996-801-5
- Maciej Kluz, Dorota Grabek-Lejko, Edyta Zagrobelna, Karol Pietrzyk, Czesław Puchalski, Agata Znamirowska, Miłosz Pastuszczak, Miroslava Kačániová, Aktywność antybakteryjna olejków eterycznych w mięsie wołowym, Żywność i jej bezpieczeństwo. Monografia, red. Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz. UR, 2020, s 39-49, ISBN 978-83-7996-801-5
- Karol Pietrzyk, Wiktoria Murdza, Miłosz Pastuszczak, Andżelika Panek, Joanna Kuzdralińska, Maciej Kluz, Analiza mikrobiologiczna różnych rodzajów lodów dostępnych na polskim rynku Żywność i jej bezpieczeństwo. Monografia, red. Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz. UR, 2020, s 39-49, ISBN 978-83-7996-801-5
- Maciej Kluz, Karol Pietrzyk, Mateusz Hołojuch, Edyta Zagrobelna, Miłosz Pastuszczak, Miroslava Kačániová, Analiza składu mikrobiologicznego win pochodzących z regionu podkarpacia Żywność i jej bezpieczeństwo. Monografia, red. Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz. UR, 2020, s 17-27, ISBN 978-83-7996-818-3
- Znamirowska, M. Zborowski, K. Pietrzyk, M. Kluz , Właściwości sensoryczne niskolaktozowego napoju o podwyższonej Żywność i jej bezpieczeństwo. Monografia, red. Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz. i Jaworska G. UR, 2020, s 7-17, ISBN 978-83-7996-804-6
- Znamirowska, K. Szajnar, K. Szopa, K. Pietrzyk, M. Zborowski, Właściwości jogurtu z dodatkiem mieszanki błonników (jabłkowego, nasion lnu i babki jajowatej) Żywność i jej bezpieczeństwo. Monografia, red. Gajdek G., Puchalski Cz. i Jaworska G. UR, 2020, s 17-27, ISBN 978-83-7996-804-6
Awards and Memberships:
- Member of Polish Society of Food Technologists since 2020
- 2nd place in the 9th edition of the international scientific conference "STUDENT IN BUCOVINA" 18.12.2020 "Analysis of the microbiological quality of pork meat with the use of molecular method".
- The best poster at “56 th Croatian & 16 th International Symposium on Agriculture”, 5-10.08.2021, "Identification of microflora composition of pork meat with essential oils using by PCR method"
Research training stays:
- Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Agro-Bio-Tech Research Center, 09/2018 - 01/2019
- University of Bologna, Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Cesena 03/2019 - 06/2020
- University of Oradea, Faculty of Food Engineering, May 24 - June 20, 2021
- Polytechnic Portalegre, June 1 – 7, 2021