Signing the agreement before departure

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (2021-2027)
ECHE - 101009165
Erasmus code - PL RZESZOW02
PIC - 984448830, OID - E10171468



Before going abroad, each student must sign an individual agreement. Min. 2 weeks before departure you should come to the Education Department, Section of Academic Exchange and Foreign Students with the following documents:

- EKUZ card, i.e. health insurance card received from the NFZ. Before going to the NFZ for the card, you should come to the Department for a certificate of qualification for a mobility abroad

- accident insurance

- civil liability insurance (applies only to students going on internship)

- confirmation of admission from a partner university / acceptance letter / signed Learning Agreement

- travel declaration

- a completed form with the student's bank account details.

The co-financing will be paid from the Euro UR account, so it is best to have a foreign exchange account - Euro. So you should think carefully about which and in which bank to set up an account to pay the lowest commissions or not pay them at all.

- After signing the agreement, the student receives 90% of the scholarship on the account, the remaining part after returning from abroad, providing all documents and completing questionnaires. The scholarship is re-calculated on the basis of the certificate, i.e. the actual duration of the student's stay abroad.



University of Rzeszów

International Relations Office
ul. Rejtana 16 C, build. A1, room. 44
35-959 Rzeszów

mgr Aleksandra Dańczyszyn - Outgoing students -, phone: 17 872 15 71