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Editor's note
Thomas Saile, Martin Posselt: Zur Erkundung einer bandkeramischen Siedlung bei Hollenstedt (Niedersachsen)
Mateusz Cwaliński, Jakub Niebieszczański, Dariusz Król: The Middle, Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Cemetery in Skołoszów, site 7, Dist. Jarosław, in the Light of the Results of Non-invasive Archaeological Survey in 2016
Marcin M. Przybyła, Ghenadie Sîrbu, Małgorzata Rybicka, Dariusz Król, Livia Sîrbu: Some Results of the Geophysical Investigation at the Late Eneolithic Settlement of Gordineşti II-Stînca goală, Edineț District, Republic of Moldova
Przemysław Makarowicz, Mateusz Cwaliński, Jakub Niebieszczański, Jan Romaniszyn: Barrows from the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age in the Upper Dniester River Basin in Ukraine. Geophysical Research and Archaeological Verification
Victor Sava, Florin Gogâltan: The Bronze Age Fortifications in Munar “Wolfsberg”, Arad County. The 2014 and 2017 Archaeological Researches
Alexandru Popa: Recent Magnetometric Researches at Zoltan, Covasna County. Some Observations Regarding the Limits and Inner Structure of the Noua Settlement in the Place Called “Nisipărie”
Agnieszka Půlpánová-Reszczyńska,Marek Půlpán, Roman Křivánek: Geophysical Survey and Archaeological Excavations at the Roman Period Cemetery in Nezabylice (Chomutov District, Northwest Bohemia)
Sebastian Messal, Bartłomiej Rogalski: Frühe Slawen im Pyritzer Land. Deutsch-polnisches Forschungsprojekt 2010–2013
Joanna Pilszyk, Piotr Szmyd: Use of LIDAR ISOK data Available With the Use of Geoportal 2 Website for Discovering Archaeological Sites
Piotr Wroniecki, Roman Brejcha, Jerzy Sikora: Knowing Without Digging? Non-invasive Research of the Krzczonów Earthwork and its Surroundings
Mirosław Furmanek, Piotr Wroniecki: Erased by the Plough, Spotted from the Air. Remains of Earthwork Sites from Silesia
Kamil Karski, Sebastian Różycki, Aleksander Schwarz: Memories of Recent Past. Objectives and Results of Non-invasive Archaeological Research Project at KL Plaszow Memorial Site
Dawid Kobiałka: Airborne Laser Scanning and 20th Century Military Heritage in the Woodlands
Wojciech Pasterkiewicz, Bernadeta Rajchel: Application of GPR Survey in the Investigation of a Plane Crash from the Second World War |
Joanna Pyzel: Field Survey Versus Excavation – Compatibility of Results Illustrated by the Example of Selected Sites from the A1 Motorway in the Włocławek Province, Poland |
Piotr Szmyd: Using Geografic Information System (Gis) Tools to Determine the Settlement Preferences in the Upper Wisłoka Valley and to Demarcate Potential Archeological Sites on the Example of Early Medieval Sites |
Marta Połtowicz-Bobak (review): Tadeusz Wiśniewski (ed.) Klementowice. A Magdalenian site in eastern Poland |
Valeska Becker (review): Michael Doneus, Die hinterlassene Landschaft –Prospektion und Interpretation in der Landschaftsarchäologie. Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission 78. |
Sławomir Kadrow (review): Marzena Szmyt (ed.) 2016. Biały Potok. Materials from Józef Kostrzewski’s Podolia Excavations |
Thomas Saile: Weißes Gold. Anmerkungen zu den jüngsten ethnoarchäologischen Studien über die vorindustrielle Salzgewinnung in der rumänischen Region Moldau |
Michał Dzik: Straying from the Path of Research into the Magic and Funerary Rites of Early Medieval Slavs
Sławomir Kadrow: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Bernhard Hänsel (24/05/1937 – 01/04/2017)
Constantin Preoteasa: International Colloquium. Beyond Excavation. Geophysics, Aerial Photography and the Use of Drones in Eastern and South-East European Archaeology, 5–8 December 2016, Piatra-Neamț, Romania
Marcin Szeliga: The First Chronometric Markings of the Late Stage of the LPC in the Northern Foreland of the Sandomierz Upland