AAR - tom 7


Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia - tom 7

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Contents / Spis treści

Editorial / Od redakcji

Andrzej Rozwałka: Archaeology in a town, a town in archaeology. Selected issues of archaeological research of historical towns

Anna Zalewska: The city as a “promise of ever new discoveries” in the context of re-socialized archaeology and through the prism of second degree archaeology

Jan Frolík: Archaeological examination of medieval towns in Bohemia (An overview by an archaeologist)

Milan Sýkora: The transformation of the town Chomutov, its command post, fortifications and castle in the Middle Ages and the early Modern period

Emil Zaitz: The settlement of Kraków before the settlement charter

Zbigniew Pianowski: Some remarks on early medieval churches in Kraków

Jolanta Rodzoś: The geographical foundations of cultural identity in contemporary Lublin

Jacek Tkaczyk: Building plots under the Old Theatre in Lublin: an example of late medieval and modern building development

Tomasz Dzieńkowski: Das mittelalterliche Chełm im Lichte archäologischer Quellen

Paweł Lis, Katarzyna Pisarek: The urban development of Kazimierz Dolny in the Middle Ages from documentary and archaeological sources

Marek Florek: Rudnik on the San: spatial arrangement and changes in town topography from the mid-sixteenth to late nineteenth century

Rafał Niedźwiadek: The historical development of Końskowola

Tomasz Mazecki, Marta Woźniak: Franziskanerinnen im Stadtraum von Zamość im 17. Jh., im Lichte der archäologisch- historisch- kartographischen Forschungen

Tadeusz Malinowski: (rec.) Alina Jaszewska (red.), Wicina. Katalog zabytków metalowych

Chronicle: The 80th birthday celebration of Jadwiga Teodorowicz-Czerpińska / Kronika: 80 rocznica urodzin Jadwigii Teodorowicz-Czerpińskiej

Grażyna Michalska, Jacek Studziński: Mrs Jadzia – that sounds proud!

Jan Gurba: An interview of Jadwiga Teodorowicz-Czerepińska (J.T.Cz.) by Dr Jan Gurba (J.G.)