Abstract submission and registration

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Registration form


All participants are requested to complete the registration by 28th February 2023.


The conference fee for regular speakers (covering refreshments, dinner, lunch, participation certificate and publication expenses): 650 PLN or €150 (€140 conference fee plus €10 for bank transfer fees).


The conference fee for PhD students (covering refreshments, dinner, lunch, and participation certificate and publication expenses): 500 PLN or €110 (€100 conference fee plus €10 for bank transfer fees).


The conference fee should be paid by bank transfer to the University of Rzeszów account by February 28th, 2023.


Conference account number:

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


21 1240 6960 1562 0000 0220 0138

Mark your payment: “CCL3, YOUR FULL NAME”


For transfers from abroad:

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

PEKAO S.A. Oddział Rzeszów


IBAN: PL 90 1240 2614 1111 0000 3970 2135

Mark your payment: “CCL3, YOUR FULL NAME”


NOTE: Be reminded that the invoice, if needed, will be issued ONLY to the name of the person or institution that made the payment or is specified in the registration form.