Instytut Neofilologii zaprasza w dniu 11.10.2021 o g. 12.00 na wykład profesora Zoltána Kövecsesa "Universality and variation in metaphor"
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To celebrate the beginning of the academic year 2021/22,
the Institute of Modern Languages invites students and academic teachers to the lecture
Universality and variation in metaphor
held by
prof. Zoltán Kövecses
Prof. Zoltán Kövecses is a Hungarian linguist, a renowned figure in the field of Cognitive Linguistics.
The lecture will take place on 11th October, from 12.00 to 1.30 p.m., and it will be organized as a hybrid event combining the traditional meeting in the Lecture Room Aula 2 (building A3, downstairs) and online via the Zoom link:
Passcode: 206958
The lecture is part of the events connected with the project “International Linguistics Colloquium: Inter- and Intralinguistic contrasts,” subsidised by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science within the framework of the programme “Doskonała Nauka” (Excellent science - project no. DNK/SP/462267/2020).