Rok akademicki 2024/2025

Semestr zimowy 2024/2025

Prowadzący seminarium (UR): dr hab. Urszula Bentkowska prof. UR, dr hab. Paweł Drygaś, prof. UR

Autor referatu: dr inż. Piotr Lasek

Temat: Employing Aggregations of Fuzzy Equivalences in Clustering Algorithms

Streszczenie: In our recent work we proposed an approach to the k-means clustering algorithm incorporating a variety of fuzzy equivalences and aggregation techniques. Central to this approach is the use of fuzzy equivalences, which serve as an alternative to standard distance metrics, with the goal of improving the clustering process. The modified k-means algorithm employs these fuzzy equivalences to better determine the similarity between the data points, particularly in situations where the nearest points may not adequately represent closeness within the data set. To assess the clustering results, we employed a variation of the silhouette coefficient tailored to our method. Additionally, we will present theoretical insights into the behavior and benefits of using composition of aggregations and fuzzy equivalences in clustering.

Termin: 2024-10-15, godz. 13.00-13.45

Miejsce: Platforma Teams