
Dr hab. Mira Malczyńska-Biały, prof. UR, wzięła udział w wizycie badawczo-naukowej w Municipality of Sorrento (Włochy)

W związku z realizacją projektu „Migranci z Ukrainy w województwie podkarpackim. Implikacje społeczno-gospodarcze” - RID/SP/0011/2024/1 ( zadanie 12: Polityka integracyjna wobec migrantów z Ukrainy w skali lokalnej, regionalnej i krajowej) Dr hab. Mira Malczyńska-Biały, Prof. UR w ramach wizyty badawczo naukowej uczestniczyła w spotkaniach oraz przeprowadziła cykl wywiadów z Carla Agrillo - President of the equal opportunities commission of the municipality of Sorrento, Michele Gargiulo - lawyer, member of the equal opportunities commission of the municipality of Sorrento, Luigi D'Alise - press office of the municipality of Sorrento, Paolo Pane - Municipal Councilor of Sorrento.


Omawiane były m.in. następujące kwestie:


  1. Model of local policy of the municipality of Sorrento for including migrants in urban life. Assumptions and recommendations
  2. Migration policy of the municipality of Sorrento, a short description of existing solutions, mechanisms, models, basic assumptions
  3. The situation of migrants in Sorrento, the number of migrants in individual countries, the number of refugees, their socio-economic situation, prepared solutions, possibilities of obtaining permanent residence
  4. Society towards migrants - the attitude of inhabitants of individual countries towards the phenomenon of migration and migrants in general, issues related to integration policy, disinformation, etc.
  • Is there a local policy in Sorento that allows for the effective inclusion of migrants in various areas of socio-economic life?
  • What is the model for including migrants in city life?
  • Is there effective coordination of information exchange and long-term planned local activities conected with migrants?
  • Is in Sorrento stable financing , the need to provide migrants financing?
  • "Mainstreaming": ensuring that all city services are tailored to the needs of migrants on an equal footing with other city residents.
  • Equal access: equalizing opportunities for migrants in access to public services, which also requires the creation of targeted programs, i.e. specifically addressed to migrants
  1. Are there any migrants from Ukraine in the Sorrento Municipality? If so, what kind of help was provided to them?
  2. Prospects and challenges - the migration situation of individual countries in the face of current events in the world and in the region, the importance of the EU Migration Pact for the migration policy of individual countries, assessment of the effectiveness of current models of migration/integration policy and presentation of postulates for the future


Efektem wizyty było również nawiązanie współpracy w związku z planowaną organizacją  V Międzynarodowego Kongresu Praw Człowieka w Rzeszowie.




Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Nauki w ramach programu „Regionalna Inicjatywa Doskonałości” w latach 2024 – 2027, nr projektu RID/SP/0011/2024/1, kwota finansowania 17 172 501,00 zł.
