Staże i pobyty / Internships and stays

Zagraniczne staże naukowe / Foreign internships

  1. Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1 – 30 VI 1993; Tempus scholarship. Supervisor: Prof. Jaco W. de Bakker, Department of Software Technology, CWI.
  2. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 7 - 18 XI 2011; European Union scholarship under the European Social Fund. Supervisor: Prof. Mikhail Moshkov, Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering Division, KAUST.

Krajowe staże naukowe / Domestic internships

  1. Institute of Mathematics, Warsaw University, Poland, 1 X 1979 – 30 VI 1980; 1 X 1991 – 15 II 1992; 1 X 1992 – 15 II 1993; 1 X 1998 – 15 II 1999. Supervisor: Prof. Andrzej Skowron.
  2. International Stefan Banach Mathematical Center, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, 15 IX – 15 XII 1986. Supervisor: Prof. Helena Rasiowa, Warsaw University. 1 - 30 XII 1996. Supervisor: Prof. Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University.

Pobyty w ośrodkach zagranicznych / Stays in foreign centers

  1. Higher Pedagogical Institute, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, 10-20 VI 1990; 15-25 IX 1991. Research project: Teaching mathematics and computer science in higher education.
  2. Institute of Mathematics, Sofia University, Bulgaria, 1 – 10 IX 1986. Research project: Teaching computer science in secondary education.
  3. Institute of Technical Cybernetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, 15 – 25 VII 1989. Research project: Resource allocation in systems of concurrent processes.
  4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 1 X 2000 – 28 II 2001, Research project: Discovering process models from data.