dr hab. Andrzej Wal

- Jednostka:
Instytut Nauk Fizycznych - Budynek: A0/B1 L
- Pokój: 305
- Nr telefonu: 17 851 8605
- Email: [email protected]
- ORCID: 0000-0002-8560-1045
- Konsultacje dla studentów: wtorek 8:30 - 10:00
Prowadzone badania: Własności strukturalne i magnetyczne materii skondensowanej zarówno w obszarze niskowymiarowych układów spinowych jak i objętościowych stopów metali (stopy Heuslera). Cienkowarstwowe materiały półprzewodnikowe w zastosowaniach fotowoltaicznych. Wykorzystanie fizycznych metod pomiarowych i obliczeniowych w medycynie. |
Research interests: Structural and magnetic properties of condensed matter in the area of low-dimensional spin systems and bulk metal alloys (Heusler alloys). Thin-film semiconductor materials in photovoltaic applications. The use of physical measurement and calculation methods in medicine. |
- [współaut.] Sibiński M, Sawicka-Chudy P, Wisz G [et al.] Impact of blocking layers based on TiO2 and ZnO prepared via direct current reactive magnetron sputtering on DSSC solar cells. - Scientific Reports, 2024, Vol. 14, iss. 1
- [współaut.] Bester M, Cholewa M, Krzemiński P [et al.] Cienkowarstwowe ogniwo fotowoltaiczne TiO2:ZnO/CuO, target do wytwarzania warstwy TiO2:ZnO ogniwa fotowoltaicznego i sposób wytwarzania ogniwa fotowoltaicznego. - Biuletyn Urzędu Patentowego, 2023, nr 25, nr PAT. 439864
- [współaut.] Wisz G, Sawicka-Chudy P, Sibiński M [et al.] Structure Defects and Photovoltaic Properties of TiO2:ZnO/CuO Solar Cells Prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Sputtering. - Applied Sciences-Basel, 2023, Vol. 13, iss. 6
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Stefaniuk I The Low-Field Microwave Absorption in EMR Spectra for Ni50-xCoxMn35.5In14.5 Ribbons. - Materials, 2022, Vol. 15, iss. 17
- [współaut.] Wisz G, Sawicka-Chudy P, Potera P [et al.] TiO2:ZnO/CuO thin film solar cells prepared via reactive direct-current (DC) magnetron sputtering. - Applied Materials Today, 2022, Vol. 29
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Stefaniuk I, Żywczak A [et al.] Cobalt Content Effect on the Magnetic Properties of Ni50-xCoxMn35.5In14.5 Annealed Ribbons. - Materials, 2021, Vol. 14, iss. 19
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Stefaniuk I, Żywczak A [et al.] Electron magnetic resonance study of the Ni47Co3Mn35.5In14.5 ribbons. - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2021, vol. 530
- [współaut.] Jakubczyk P, Kaczor M, Jakubczyk D [et al.] A Maple package for combinatorial aspects of Bethe Ansatz. - Computer Physics Communications, 2021, Vol. 261, s. 1354-1362
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Stefaniuk I, Kuźma M Effect of annealing on the magnetic ordering and electron magnetic resonance of melt-spun Ni-Mn-In ribbons. - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, vol. 504
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Żywczak A, Maziarz W [et al.] Magnetic Phase Transition and Exchange Bias in Ni45Co5Mn35.5In14.5 Heusler Alloy. - Applied Magnetic Resonance, 2019, Vol. 50, nr 6, s. 809-818
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Stefaniuk I, Żywczak A [et al.] Magnetic and structural phase transition in Ni50Mn35.5In14.5 ribbon. - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, vol. 485, p. 21-26
- [współaut.] Kuźma D, Montoncello F, Sobieszczyk P [et al.] Spin wave propagation properties across configurational antiferro/ferro-magnetic transitions. - Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, vol. 124, Article number 223902 (11 p.)
- [współaut.] Dugaev V, Tralle I, Barnaś J Spin Orbitronics and Topological Properties of Nanostructures - Lecture Notes of the 12th International School on Theoretical Physics : Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, Rzeszów, Poland, 5-10 September 2016 / editors Vitalii Dugaev, Igor Tralle, Andrzej Wal, Józef Barnaś. Singapore, World Scientific: 2018, 332 s.
- [współaut.] Dubiel & Normal Modes in a Linear Chain of Nanomagnets. - Acta Physica Polonica A, 2017, vol. 132, no. 1, s. 100-102
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Stefaniuk I Anisotropy of geff Factor for Ni50Mn35.5In14.5 Heusler Alloy. - Acta Physica Polonica A, 2017, vol. 132, no. 1, s. 91-93
- [współaut.] Nesteruk O, Łabuz M Badanie parametrów gleby z terenów przywodnych. - Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, 2017, T. 7, nr 2, s. 70-73
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Kuźma M, Stefaniuk I [et al.] Shape effect in FMR of Ni-Co-Mn-In layers obtained by pulsed laser deposition W: International Conference on Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronics and Biosensors (IC SeNOB 2016) / edited by Małgorzata Pociask-Biały, Michał Marchewka, Dariusz Płoch, Eugen Sheregii. Red Hook, Curran Associates, Inc.: 2017, S. 35-37
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Kuźma M Mody normalne w magnetycznym łańcuchu. - Journal of Education and Technical Sciences, 2015, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 27-30
- [współaut.] Dubiel &, Kuźma M Monitoring i terenowe badania jakości powietrza z wykorzystaniem spektrometru masowego. - Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, 2016, nr 4, s. 65-68
- Band structure, Brillouin zone, and condensation of states for an itinerant electron in a magnetic quantum dot. - Physica B. Condensed Matter, 2013, Vol. 410, iss. 1, p. 222-226
- Energy bands for finite two-dimensional systems in a quantised magnetic field: The symmetry of the model. - Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 51, iss. 9, s. 2285-2316
- [współaut.] Jakubczyk P, Jakubczyk D, Lulek T Computer implementation of the Kerov-Kirillov-Reshetikhin algorithm. - Computer Physics Communications, 2012, Vol. 183, iss. 6, s. 1354-1362
- The symmetry of three-electron states in a quantized magnetic field. - Physica B. Condensed Matter, 2011, vol. 406, iss. 4, p. 2734-2739
- [współaut.] Jakubczyk P, Topolewicz S, Lulek T Schwinger geometry, Bethe Ansatz, and a magnonic qudit. - Open Systems and Information Dynamics, 2009, Vol. 16, iss. 2-3, s. 221-233
- Multielectron irreducible representations of the magnetic translation group. - Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research, 2009, Vol. 246, iss. 5, s. 1024-1028
- The structure of magnetic translation group for a finite system. - Physica B. Condensed Matter, 2009, vol. 404, iss. 8-11, s. 1040-1044
- Magnetic translation group for graphene. - Physica E. Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2008, vol. 40, iss. 7, s. 2639-2641
- The magnetic translation group for a finite system and the Born-Karman boundary condition. - Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 2008, vol 104, iss. 1, 012021
- [współaut.] Inglot M, Lulek T Construction of superconducting pairs in the two-dimensional electron gas for the model of itinerant electrons. - Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research, 2007, vol. 244, iss. 7, s. 2476-2479
- Tight binding analogue of cyclotron orbits. - Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research, 2007, vol. 244, iss. 7, s. 2559-2563
- [współaut.] Łabuz M, Kuźma M The rotational band structure of energy spectrum for finite ring N=6. - Materials Science and Engineering C. Biomimetic and Supramolecular System, (2006), Vol. 26, nr 5-7, s. 1162-1164
- [współaut.] Łabuz M, Wisz G, Kuźma M Symmetry and classification of electron states in polyacenes. - Journal of Physics. Conference Series, (2006), Vol. 30, s. 325-332
- [współaut.] Caspers W, Łabuz M On the completeness of the set of Bethe-Hulthén solutions of the linear Heisenberg system. - Journal of Physics. Conference Series, (2006), Vol. 30, s. 73-85
- Magnetic translation group and classification of atates of an itinerant electron. - Journal of Physics. Conference Series, (2006), Vol. 30, s. 286-289
- The mesoscopic and nanoscopic Heisenberg magnets W: Symmetry, Spectroscopy and Schur : proceedings of the professor Brian G. Wybourne commemorative meeting, Toruń, 12-14 June 2005 / ed. Ronald C. King, Mirosław Bylicki, Jacek Karwowski. Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press: 2006, S. 311-314
- [współaut.] Łabuz M, Kuźma M Energy spectrum of magnetic quantum wires. - Materials Science and Engineering C. Biomimetic and Supramolecular System, 2005, Vol. 25, iss. 5-8, s. 784-786
- [współaut.] Łabuz M, Obermayr W, Kuźma M Properties of the energy spectrum of the Heisenberg molecular magnet N=8. - Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research, 2005, vol. 242, iss. 2, s. 278-284
- From mesoscopic magnet to quantum wire : the Bethe Ansatz application. - Materials Science and Engineering C. Biomimetic and Supramolecular System, 2005, Vol. 25, iss. 5-8, s. 809-812
- Magnetic translation group for a finite system. - Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research, 2005, vol. 242, iss. 2, s. 291-295
- [współaut.] Caspers W, Łabuz M, Kuźma M [et al.] Continuity of Bethe solutions with respect to chain length N and winding numbers Γl. - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2004, vol. 45, iss. 1, p. 391-399
- [współaut.] Caspers W, Lulek B, Lulek T [et al.] The structure of Bethe Ansatz solutions for the chain N=8, r=4. - International Journal of Modern Physics B : Condensed Matter Physics; Statistical Physics; Applied Physics, 2004, vol. 18, iss. 9, p. 1277-1286
- [współaut.] Łabuz M, Kuźma M Applications of the Heisenberg magnetic model in nanoscience. - Materials Science and Engineering C. Biomimetic and Supramolecular System, 2003, vol. 6-8, s. 945-947
- [współaut.] Caspers W, Łabuz M, Kuźma M [et al.] From asymptotic to finite Heisenberg chain - the evolution of Bethe solution. - Journal of Physics A. Mathematical and General, 2003, vol. 36, nr 20, s. 5369-5380
- [współaut.] Lulek B, Lulek T, Jakubczyk P The basis of wavelets for a finite Heisenberg magnet. - Physica B. Condensed Matter, 2003, vol. 337, iss.1-4, s. 375-387
- [współaut.] Lulek T, Lulek B Symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter : proceedings of the 7th International School on Theoretical Physics, Myczkowce, Poland 11-18 September 2002 / eds. [and preface] Tadeusz Lulek, Barbara Lulek, Andrzej Wal. New Jersey, World Scientific: 2003, XVIII, 488 s.
- [współaut.] Łabuz M N-dependence of the spectrum of the one-dimensional Heisenberg Hamiltonian in terms of spectral parameters W: Symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter : proceedings of the 7th International School on Theoretical Physics, Myczkowce, Poland 11-18 September 2002 / eds. Tadeusz Lulek, Barbara Lulek, Andrzej Wal. New Jersey, World Scientific: 2003, S. 337-342
- [współaut.] Łabuz M, Olchawa R Complex solution for three-particle sector of the Heisnberg magnet W: Symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter : proceedings of the 7th International School on Theoretical Physics, Myczkowce, Poland 11-18 September 2002 / eds. Tadeusz Lulek, Barbara Lulek, Andrzej Wal. New Jersey, World Scientific: 2003, S. 303-308
- [współaut.] Caspers W, Lulek T, Lulek B [et al.] Towards a general solution of the linear Heisenberg problem W: Symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter : proceedings of the 7th International School on Theoretical Physics, Myczkowce, Poland 11-18 September 2002 / eds. Tadeusz Lulek, Barbara Lulek, Andrzej Wal. New Jersey, World Scientific: 2003, S. 224-240
- [współaut.] Olchawa R The antisymmetric complement of the rarefied bands of two magnon states W: Symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter : proceedings of the 7th International School on Theoretical Physics, Myczkowce, Poland 11-18 September 2002 / eds. Tadeusz Lulek, Barbara Lulek, Andrzej Wal. New Jersey, World Scientific: 2003, S. 292-302