dr hab., prof. UR Anna Hanus

  • Jednostka:
    Katedra Lingwistyki Stosowanej, Instytut Neofilologii / Departament of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Modern Languages, College of Humanities
  • Budynek: B2
  • Pokój: 8
  • Nr telefonu: +48 17 872 11 61
  • Email: [email protected]
  • ORCID: 0000-0001-5850-2511
  • Konsultacje: tba


Associate Professor Anna Hanus (dr hab., prof. UR.). Graduated in German philology from the University of Rzeszow. In 2008, she assumed the position of an assistant professor at the Institute of German Philology, University of Rzeszow. Currently, she is the Head of the Chair of Media Linguistics at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Rzeszow.

Her main research interests include text and discourse linguistics, linguistic analysis of literary texts, genre studies, contrastive and cultural linguistics, medialinguistics and translation studies.

She is the co-founder of the Text-Discourse-Communication Research, Teaching and Transfer of Knowledge Centre [Ośrodek Badawczo-Dydaktyczny i Transferu Wiedzy Tekst-Dyskurs-Komunikacja] at the University of Rzeszow and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal entitled text und diskurs – tekst i dyskurs. She is the author of several monographs: Dialogische Kommunikation in Frage gestellt? Zur Gestaltung der Dialogizität in Prosawerken – exemplifiziert an ausgewählten Erzählungen von Arthur Schnitzler and Thomas Bernhard. Marburg: Tectum Verlag (2009), Krytykowanie i jego operacjonalizacja w kontrastywnej analizie dyskursu. [Criticism and Its Operationalization in Contrastive Discourse Analysis]. Wrocław – Dresden: Atut/Neisse Verlag (2018), one co-authored monograph: Sekretne życie gatunków. Komunikacja w przestrzeni medialnej – perspektywa germanistyczna. [Secret Life of Genres: Communication in Media Space – A German Perspective] Wrocław – Dresden: Atut/Neisse Verlag (2022). She has also published collective monographs in Poland and Germany. She translates scientific and literary texts from and into German. Her translations include: Grundlagen der Textsortenlinguistik – a translation into German of Bożena Witosz’s monograph Genologia lingwistyczna. Zarys problematyki [Linguistic Genre Studies. An Outline of the Issue] and volumes of contemporary poetry: Esej o niewinności / Essay über die Unschuld – Gedichte von Janusz Szuber. Wrocław-Dresden and Na ulicach wyobrażeń. 115 wierszy polskich. / Auf den Straßen des Imaginären. 115 polnische Gedichte. Wrocław – Dresden (in collaboration with other translators). She manages and participates in international grants and research projects.

Since 1996, she has been a certified translator of German. Until 2010, she held the position of the President of the Podkarpackie branch of the Polish Association of German Language Teachers.  Since 2009, she has been a methodological advisor at the Media Library of the Goethe Institute in Rzeszów [Lehrmittelzentrum Rzeszów]. She is a member of the IVG International Association of German Studies [Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik], the Association of Polish German Teachers [Stowarzyszenie Germanistów Polskich], Polish Linguistic Society [Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawcze], the Media Linguistics Committee at the International Committee of Slavists, the International Committee of the Linguistics Colloquium, as well as Polish Communication Association [Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej].


  • 2013 – 2015 International research project: Galizien – eine mitteleuropäische Kultur- und Gedächtnislandschaft. International research project together with Austrian and German scholars, financed by DAAD (grant no.: HE 109 6046), as a project manager.
  • 2013 – 2015 Translation project – NPRH grant for translation into German and publishing of the monograph by Bożena Witosz "Genologia lingwistyczna" (‘An Outline of Linguistic Genology) (Grant no. 31H 120038 81) – project manager: Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz. Translation into German and publishing of the German version of the monograph by Bożena Witosz "Genologia lingwistyczna. Zarys problematyki".
  • 2013 – 2015 Research project: ‘2013 – 2015 Restructuring Program’ financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, project manager: Roman Opiłowski, (grant no.: 6674/E-344/R/2013).
  • 2014 – 2016 International research project: Galizien – eine mitteleuropäische Kultur- und Gedächtnislandschaft Part II. International research project together with both European and non-European scholars, financed by Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung (DPWS) / Polsko-Niemiecka Fundacja na rzecz Nauki (PolishInternational research project: Galizien – eine mitteleuropäische Kultur- und Gedächtnislandschaft.
  • 2015 – 2017 International research project in Medialinguistics: "Medienlinguistik und Interdisziplinarität". Co-implementation of the research project "Medienlinguistik und Interdisziplinarität" in 2015-2017 in the Department of Theory of Linguistic Communication of the UR Institute of German Studies, (project manager: Prof. Zofia Bilut-Homplewicz) and in cooperation with researchers from national and international centres (e.g. University of Helsinki, University of Mannheim, Sofia University, University of Basel) Its fruits were two collective publications presenting the latest research results in this field. The project was funded by the UR.
  • 2018 – 2022 Grant POWR European Funds Knowledge Education Development. Grant POWR European Funds Knowledge Education Development. Unified Integrated Programme of the University of Rzeszów – the road to high quality education POWR (WND-POWR.03.05.00-00-z050/17). Coordination of the grant in the College of Humanities from 2019 to 2022.
  • 2019 – 2023 Think globally, act locally. A dictionary of mediolinguistics. Implementation of the research project "Think globally, act locally. A dictionary of mediolinguistics' (project leader: Iwona Loewe) 2019-2023. Project implemented with funds from the University of Silesia in 2019 - 2023.
  • 2020 – 2023 Inter- und intrasprachliche Kontraste / Intra- and interlingual contrasts. Realisation of the grant obtained for the international research project entitled: Inter- und intrasprachliche Kontraste / Intra- and interlingual contrasts grant MNiSzW Excellent science - module: Support for scientific conferences, Title: Organisation of the International Linguistic Colloquium "Intra- and interlingual contrasts"; Implementation period: 24 months 2020-2022 (proposal editor: Iwona Szwed, associate editors: Anna Hanus, Dorota Miller, Beata Kopecka).


