dr Piotr Drygaś

  • Jednostka:
    Instytut Matematyki
  • Budynek: A0
  • Pokój: 369
  • Nr telefonu: +48178728632
  • Email: [email protected]
  • ORCID: 0000-0001-5193-168X
  • Konsultacje dla studentów: https://www.ur.edu.pl/pl/kolegia/kolegium-nauk-przyrodniczych/student/dyzury-i-konsultacje-pracownikow-kolegium/instytut-matematyki


  • General informations

A graduate of mathematics at the Pedagogical University in Rzeszów (currently the University of Rzeszów) with 27 years of experience in scientific and didactic work in the field of mathematical modeling and statistical analyzes. Very good knowledge of specialized software (R, Statistica, Wolfram Mathematica, Python). He has non-university experience as a banking employee in individual and corporate customer service departments, as well as as a consultant in the Statistical Office. The main areas of interest include the issues of the application of selected computer techniques to be used in the analysis of the structure of multiphase materials, research and analysis of images, statistical analyzes as well as the construction and solving of theoretical mathematical models in the direction of modeling selected material properties.

  • Employment

01.10.2019-30.09.2020 deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Rzeszów (head of mathematics study).

15.11.2008 -31.12.2022 consultant at the Statistical Office in Rzeszów,

from 01.02.2007 assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Rzeszów.

1.09.2001 – 30.09.2004 assistant at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Rzeszów,

01.04.1999 – 30.06.2007 specialist at Bank Pekao SA I. Branch in Strzyżów,

01.10.1995  - 31.08.2001 assistant at the Institute of Mathematics of the Pedagogical University of Rzeszów,

01.09.1995 – 31.08.1999 teacher of mathematics at Primary School No. 2 in Strzyżów,


  • Certificates


University of Rzeszów, Certificate of completion of training under the "Uniform Integrated Program of the University of Rzeszów - the way to high-quality education" financed by the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development - Effective university promotion - workshops on design and implementation of promotion activities.


Certificate of completion of the training "Teaching and IT competences of the University of Rzeszów staff in the field of distance education".


SAS certificates of completion of the training "Basics of SAS, Data processing in SAS, part 1, part 2, part 3 ".


Certificate of completion of the training "Application of statistical methods in the didactic process".


StatSoft training certificate "Statistical methods in marketing and market research".


StatSoft training completion certificate "Multidimensional Analyzes".


StatSoft training certificate "Survey data analysis - advanced course".


StatSoft training certificate "Application of StatSoft's STATISTICA package in university education".


University of Rzeszów, diploma in computer-assisted statistics course.


Pedagogical University in Rzeszów, certificate of completion of elective courses in computer science.


  • Scientific and research and development activities

Research and research and development projects

  1. OPUS project financed by the National Science Center; 2016/21 / B / ST8 / 01181; "In-situ cast composites reinforced with nanoparticles of ceramic phases." Nature of participation: contractor. Scope: Development of the assessment of the influence of geometrical structure factors on the mechanical properties of composites
  1. 06.2009 – 31.12.2010 project coordinator "Creation of a coherent system of information and forecasting of economic changes in the Podkarpackie voivodship allowing to make optimal decisions in the sphere of the labor market", (WND- POKL.08.01.02-18-079/08),
  2. 09.2008 – 31.08.2009 project manager of the POKL "Młodzieżowe Uniwersytety Matematyczne" (Youth University of Mathematics) at Secondary School No. 2 in Rzeszów (nr UDA-POKL.09.01.02-18-139/08-00),
  3. 09.2008 – 31.08.2009 project manager of POKL "Młodzieżowe Uniwersytety Matematyczne" (Youth Mathematical University) at Secondary School No. 2 in Rzeszów-Matura Program (UDA-POKL.09.01.02-18-160/08-00),
  4. 12.2009 – 30.09.2013 content coordinator in the POKL project "Młodzieżowe Uniwersytety Matematyczne" (Youth Mathematical Universities), covering the Lublin, Podkarpackie and Małopolskie voivodeships (POKL.03.03.04-00-218/09-02)
  5. grant of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for scientific research or development in 2015 nr WMP/GD-04/2015 for the project "Boundary issues with coupling condition describing perfect contact between centers with different physical properties for fibrous composites",
  6. grant of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for scientific research or development in 2016 no WMP/GD-09/2016 for the project "Boundary issues with coupling condition describing perfect contact between centers with different physical properties for fibrous composites",
  7. grant of the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences for scientific research or development in 2017 no. WMP / GD-03/2017 for the project "Boundary issues with coupling condition describing perfect contact between centers with different physical properties for fibrous composites".


  • Reviews of articles and monographs in
    • Boundary Value Problems,
    • Silesian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
    • Medical Reviev,
    • Demonstratio Mathematicae,
    • ISAAC Congress, Springer Monography
    • Archives of Acoustics


  • Teaching Experience
    • Classes of: Econometrics, Statistics, IT tools, Mathematics, Numerical methods, Forecasting and simulation of economic phenomena,


  • Training and lectures:
  1. Popularizing lectures for the Podkarpackie Association of Mathematics Teachers,
  2. Mathematical modeling classes for high school students in 2012-2016,
  3. Classes for gifted students at High Schools in Strzyżów and Głogów Małopolski in 2008-2010,
  4. Training for employees of Polish Statistical Offices at the seat of the Central Statistical Office in the field of the basics of the theory of estimation (June 17-18, 2009) and time series analysis (September 23-24, 2009).
  • Supervisor of theses – University of Rzeszow
  1. co-promoter of three engineering thesis,
  2. promoter 13 bachelor's theses,
  3. promoter 33 MA thesis.
  • Organizational activities of the conference
    • International Research Workshop –Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów - 5-9.06.2012 – organizer,
    • 9th International ISAAC Congress, Krakow, 5-9.08.2013 – member organizer committee,
    • 3-th Meeting Boundary Value Problems, Functional Equations and Applications - BFA 2016,  Rzeszów, 20-23.04.2016 – chairman of the organizing committee,
    • 11th International Symposium of Electrical, Transport, and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media, Kraków .16-20.07.2018 – member organizer committee,
    • XIXth Conference on Analytic Functions and Related Topics, Rzeszów, 24-27.06.2018 - member organizer committee,
    • XVI National Conference on the Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, 14 – 18.09.2021, Iwonicz - chairman of the organizing committee
    • Organization of session Constructive Methods in the Theory of Composite and Porous Media in 13th International ISAAC Congress August 2–6, 2021 - Ghent, Belgium (session organizers P. Drygaś, V. Mityushev, N. Ryłko).


  • Membership in international and national organizations and scientific societies:
    • Polish Mathematical Society, Rzeszów Branch,
    • International Society for Analysis its Applications and Computation, ISAAC,
    • Polish Statistical Society,
    • Polish Society of Composite Materials,
    • Member of the Scientific Group Materialica+.


  • Programming/Computer Experience
    • R language,
    • Wolfram Mathematica,
    • Python - basic,
    • Java - basic,
    • Microsoft Excel,
    • Word, PowerPoint,
    • Good knowledge of the LATEX typesetting system along with the ability to work in a team on the Overleaf platform.
