dr hab. prof. UR Stanisława Kanas

- Jednostka:
Instytut Matematyki - Budynek: A0
- Pokój: 390 B2
- Nr telefonu: 17 851 8615
- Email: [email protected]
- ORCID: 0000-0001-7135-6504
- Konsultacje dla studentów: wtorek 13:00 - 14:30
My interest focuses on Complex Analysis and Complex Geometry, in particular: Harmonic and Complex Analysis, Operator Theory, Hamonic and Quasiconformal Mappings, Generalized Complex Analysis, Geometrical Aspects of Complex Analysis, Complex Dynamical Systems and Fractals, Meromorphic Functions and its Generalizations, Elliptic Partial Differential Equations.
- [współaut.] Gangania K Radius of Uniformly Convex γ-Spirallikeness of Combination of Derivatives of Bessel Functions. - Axioms, 2023, Vol. 12, iss. 5
- [współaut.] Deniz E, Orhan H Univalence Criteria and Quasiconformal Extension of a General Integral Operator. - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2022, Vol. 74, no. 1, p. 27-39
- Harmonic Archimedean and hyperbolic spirallikeness. - Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2022, Vol. 12, iss. 6
- [współaut.] Masih V On the behaviour of analytic representation of the generalized Pascal snail. - Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 2021, Vol. 11, iss. 2
- [współaut.] Sivasankari P, Karthiyayini R, Sivasubramanian S Second Hankel Determinant for a Certain Subclass of Bi-Close to Convex Functions Defined by Kaplan. - Symmetry-Basel, 2021, Vol. 13, iss. 4
- [współaut.] Masih V Subclasses of Starlike and Convex Functions Associated with the Limaçon Domain. - Symmetry-Basel, 2020, Vol. 12, iss. 6
- [współaut.] Masih V, Ebadian A Coefficients problems for families of holomorphic functions related to hyperbola. - Mathematica Slovaca, 2020, vol. 70, iss. 3, p. 605-616
- Matematyka dyskretna. Rzeszów, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski: 2020, 222 s.
- [współaut.] Altinkaya & Functions of bounded variation related to domains bounded by conic sections. - Mathematica Slovaca, 2019, vol. 69, iss. 4, p. 833-842
- [współaut.] Altinkaya S, Yalcib S Subclass of k-Uniformly Starlike Functions Defined by the Symmetric q-Derivative Operator. - Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2019, Vol. 70, no. 11, p. 1727-1740
- [współaut.] Bulut S, Goswami P New Trends on Analytic Function Theory. - Journal of Complex Analysis, 2019, 2019, Article number 8320861
- [współaut.] Maharana S, Prajapat J Norm of the pre-Schwarzian derivative, Bloch's constant and coefficient bounds in some classes of harmonic mappings. - Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2019, Vol. 474, s. 931-943
- [współaut.] Masih V, Ebadian A Relations of a planar domains bounded by hyperbolas with families of holomorphic functions. - Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2019, Vol. 2019, art. no. 246 (14 s.)
- [współaut.] Mondal S, Mohammed A Relations between the generalized Bessel functions and the Janowski class. - Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 2018, vol. 21, no. 1, s. 165-178
- [współaut.] Ramachandran C, Vanitha L Certain results on q-starlike and q-convex error functions. - Mathematica Slovaca, 2018, vol. 68, iss. 2, p. 361-368
- [współaut.] Analouei Adegani E, Zireh A An Unified Approach to Second Hankel Determinant of Bi-Subordinate Functions. - Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2017, Vol. 14, iss. 6, Article 233 (12 s.)
- Weighted Harmonic Means. - Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 2017, Vol. 11, Iss. 8, p. 1715-1728
- [współaut.] Klimek-Smęt D Coefficient estimates and Bloch's constant in some classes of harmonic mappings. - Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2016, Vol. 39, Iss. 2, pp. 741-750
- [współaut.] Tatarczak A Constrained coefficients problem for generalized typically real functions. - Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2016, vol. 61, iss. 8, p. 1052-1063
- [współaut.] Tatarczyk A Generalized Typically Real Functions. - FILOMAT, 2016, Vol. 30, iss. 7, p. 1697-1710
- [współaut.] El-Ashwah R Fekete-Szegö inequalities for quasi-subordination functions classes of complex order. - Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 2015, Vol. 55, iss. 3, s. 679-688
- [współaut.] Sivasubramanian S, Siwakumar S, A Kim S Verification of Brannan and Clunie's conjecture for certain subclasses of bi-univalent functions. - Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2015, Vol. 113, s. 295-304
- [współaut.] Tudor A Differential subordinations and harmonic means. - Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2015, vol. 38, iss. 3, p. 1243-1253
- [współaut.] Klimek-Smet D Harmonic mappings related to functions with bounded boundary rotation and norm of the pre-Schwarzian derivative. - Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2014, Vol. 51, iss. 3, s. 803-812
- [współaut.] Răducanu D Some class of analytic functions related to conic domains. - Mathematica Slovaca, 2014, vol. 64, iss. 5, p. 1183-1196
- [współaut.] Crişan O Differential subordinations involving arithmetic and geometric means. - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2013, Vol. 222, s. 123-131
- [współaut.] Orłowska-Puzio J Sharp distortion theorems for some subclass of close-to-convex functions. - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, Vol. 218, Iss. 3, s. 843-850
- [współaut.] Kowalczyk J A note on Briot-Bouquet-Bernoulli differential subordination. - Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, 2005, Vol. 46, nr 2, s. 339-347
- [współaut.] Kowalczyk J The integral inequalities for a-star-convex functions. - Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Matematyka, (2001), Z. 25, s. 71-80