Zeszyt 1
Zeszyt 1 UR
2002 rok
- Grzegorz A. Kleparski (UR): Lusta, mint a disznó: A hunt for 'correlative' zoosemy in Hungarian and English
- Grzegorz A. Kleparski (UR), Andrzej M. Łęcki (KUL): Dash, splash and hush: Arbitrariness versus onomatopoeia
- Grzegorz A. Kleparski (UR), Małgorzata Martynuska (UR): Political correctness and Bequemlichkeitstrieb
- Ewa Konieczna (UR): Derivational neologisms in children's speech from Polish and English data
- Brigitte Nerlich (University of Nottingham), David D. Clarke (University of Nottingham): Contextual competence: Its growth, use and loss
- Dorota Osuchowska (UR): Compiling a dictionary of collocation: Problems and solutions
- Laura Suchostawska (Uniwersytet Wrocławski): Do tenses influence the axiological charge of sentences?
- Anatol Szewel (UR): Anthropocentric metaphor in political discourse: A fragment of conceptual analysis
- Joseph Voyles (University of Washington): The status of linear B in the history of the ancient Greek
- Agnieszka Kallaus (UR): Duality of the image of God in Calvary by W.B. Yeats
- Sławomir Kozioł (UR): Wyndham Lewis and Aldous Huxley - the Platonist and the Aristotelian
- Małgorzata Martynuska (UR): The first nations in Canada: Political and trade relations amongst the Iroquois, Huron and Algonquin in the 17th century
- Anna M. Pietrzykowska (UR): In search of the definition of poetic 'image'. An overview of literary tradition and modern literary criticism
- Damian S. Pyrkosz (UR): Dilemmas of agricultural policies in the United States of America
- Agnieszka Romanowska (UJ): Shakespeare's implicit stage directions in Polish translations of Hamlet
- Krzysztof Rusnak (UR): The problem of happiness in J. Conrad's Lord Jim, N. Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter and F. Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment
- Mirosława Ziaja-Buchholtz (Uniwersytet w Toruniu): Kings, queens, and company: The (r)evolutionary scenario of Frank Stockton's fairy tales
- Teodor Hrehovčik (UR-University of Presov): Foreign language textbook evaluation - methodological considerations
- Agnieszka Kallaus (UR): First Facts First. An Introductory Guide to Great Britain and the USA by Grzegorz A. Kleparski
- Grzegorz A. Kleparski (UR), Bożena Kochman-Haładyj (UR): Report on the British Council Sponsored Conference Held in 20-22 of May 2001 in Chełm: The Pitfalls of Teaching Grammar, Lexis and Anglo-Saxon Culture at a College Level
- Brigitte Nerlich (University of Nottingham), Grzegorz A. Kleparski (UR): Report on 34th Conference of the Societas Linguistica Europea: Language Study in Europe at the Turn of the Millennium. Towards the Integration of Cognitive, Historical and Cultural Approaches to Language. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, August 28-31, 2001