Zeszyt 1 WSP
Zeszyt 1 WSP
2000 rok
- Krzysztof Jaskuła (KUL Lublin): What governs phonology
- Grzegorz A. Kleparski (WSP Rzeszów): Metonymy and the growth of lexical categories related to the conceptual category FEMALE HUMAN BEING
- Grzegorz A. Kleparski (WSP Rzeszów), Beata Lipczyńska (NKJO Chełm): Nonverbales: Gesten und Raumbeziehungssprache - Ausgewählte Probleme Paralinguistischer Untersuchungen
- Konrad Klimkowski (KUL Lublin): The rules of word formation and the diachronic development of concepts
- Sławomir Kozioł (WSP Rzeszów): Cognitive linguistics and postmodernism: In search of parallels
- Marek Paduch (MWSE Tarnów): Metaphorical awareness of the native speakers of English in the conceptualisation of HAPPINESS
- Agnieszka Kallaus (WSP Rzeszów): Dance as reconciliation of opposites: A poetic illustration of Yeats' system of beliefs
- Grzegorz Maziarczyk (KUL Lublin): The implied reader: A short history of the term
- Jörn Münkner (WSP Rzeszów): Vietnam revisited: The 'thrill' of a war in Peter Straub's Koko
- Anna Pietrzykowska (WSP Rzeszów): Lady Macbeth's second soliloquy in Polish translations
- Teodor Hrehovčík (WSP Rzeszów): Secondary school English teachers and communicative language teaching
- Jacek Wołk (WSP Rzeszów): Resonance technique of acquisition of English: A turning point in teaching techniques
- Mirosława Ziaja-Buchholtz (WSP Rzeszów): When Dreams Came True: Classical Fairy Tales and Their Tradition by Jack Zipes
- Miroslawa Ziaja-Buchholtz (WSP Rzeszów): A Social History of the Laboring Classes from Colonial Times to the Present by Jacqueline Jones