Archiwum aktualności
Nasi Mistrzowie na spotkaniu u Prezydenta RP Pana Andrzeja Dudy
15.11.2017 nasi Mistrzowie Europy reprezentacja Uniwersyteu Rzeszowskiego uczestniczyła w spotkaniu Prezydenta RP Andrzeja Dudy (pary prezydenckiej) ze studentami medalistami tegorocznych Uniwersjad Ałmaty i Taipei oraz złotych medalistów EUC 2017 .
Delegacja Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego zameldowała się w Belwederze w składzie :
Dawid Wiczkowski, Paweł Stabrawa, Kamil Durski, Piotr Pękala, Paweł Rusin, Tomasz Głód, Kamil Dembiec, Patryk Kozdroń, Daniel Gąsior, Rafał Matuła
dr hab. E. Zadarko, Prezes KU AZS UR
prof. Wojciech Czarny, President OC EUVC 2017
dr G. Bobula, Sport Director EUVC 2017
dr W. Bajorek , TRENER
dr A. Płonka, Trener przygotowania motorycznego
W tym samym dniu zawodnicy trenerzy oraz organizatorzy podziękowali w siedzibie Polskiego Związku Piłki Siatkowejza wsparcie przy organizacji European University Volleyball Championships 2017 Prezesowi Jackowi Kasprzykowi.
poniżej wywiad z organizatorem i trenerem drużyny dr. Wojciechem Bajorkiem, Prodziekanem Wydziału Wychowania Fizycznego UR oraz link do filmu prezentującego EUC 2017.
Briefly describe how and why did you get involved with Volleyball?
As a young person I tried my skills in a few disciplines of sport. As many youths, I started with football, then archery, handball but eventually, I chose volleyball. I was lucky to train in RESOVIA sports club famous for its rich history of volleyball under the supervision of outstanding coaches. It was probably due to them that I got hooked on volleyball - this sport became my passion. Then I completed my studies at University of Rzeszow, Sport Academy Warsaw and numerous successes in academic volleyball teams. After my graduation, I started working as a coach training volleyball university teams, beach volleyball and male teams with which I got many medals during last 6 years in National University Championships.
"It is an amazing feeling. Once you try it, you always want to go back to these experiences"
How does it feel to represent your university on an international level in EUSA events?
It is an amazing feeling. Once you try it, you always want to go back to these experiences and emotions. I think that an international level of championships has a very motivating influence on the preparation and the level of the team. It is not easy in academic teams after main season. I think that winning every match in EUC is very important and it gives the team a lot of pleasure.
What was the experience of the rest of your team and players at the European Universities Volleyball Championships 2017, considering the University of Rzeszow was also hosting the event?
I think that the greatest experience is joy and satisfaction connected with male team's success - 1st place and female's 5th place. A few players combine studying at University of Rzeszow (physical education, law, IT, mechatronics, phisiotherapy, tourism and recreation) with playing professional volleyball in PLS league as well as 1st and 2nd League. Our university provides players with such opportunity. its their choice if they use it or not. The higher the sports level, the more difficult it is to find time for studying.
"Do not be afraid to dream... have dreams and most importantly, make them come true!"
The EUCV 2017 Organizing Commitee was a group of people connected with University of Rzeszow. The employees, managers of university sports clubs, students and friends ... amazing volounteers. It is a team of managers that feels sport - ex sportspeople. We wanted to organise EUCV 2017 on the highest level possible when it comes to sports infrastructure, accommodation and catering. The highest quality of service for sportsmen in Rzeszow was our priority. It might have been even higher if 32 teams arrived in Rzeszow - It would have allowed us to use the budget optimally. However, the positive feedback for the participants confirmed satisfying their requirements. I hope that they have wonderful memories from Rzeszow and that they will come back. They are always very welcome!
The European Universities Games 2018 will take place in Coimbra, Portugal, do you hope to be there? Why do you think university sport events are important?
We would really like to take part in EUG 2018 in Coimbra but we do not know if we can get financial suport for the event. We have started some preparations in that matter. EUG 2018 is a different level of an event than EUC. We have fantastic friends in Portugal - especially Antonio Cardoso, Rui Santos, Ines Pinho from Politechnico do Porto - and we are sure that it will be a great event in Coimbra. We would really like to be a part of it. Student sports events are a unique opportunity for academic society to meet, cooperate, to exchange knowledge and opinions. It is a fun and important thing - we should take care of such possibilities.
"... a unique opportunity for academic society to meet, cooperate, to exchange knowledge and opinions."
This is your chance! What is your message to the European student community?
Thank you for participating in EUVC Rzeszow 2017.The best prize for us were your smiles. Do not be afraid to dream... have dreams and - most importantly - make them come true!
EUSA would like to say a massive thank you to Wojciech for his contributions to the European Universities Volleyball Championship in 2017. Not only did he make an amazing event for all the participating teams but he managed his team to victory in Rzeszow! Well done Wojciech, and thank you once again.
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