
Dziewczęta i kobiety z autyzmem - konferencja

Prof. Tony Attwood i dr n. med. Agnieszka Rynkiewicz oraz ich autorskie narzędzie diagnostyczne Q-ASC. Konferencja 17 maja 2020, Kolegium Nauk Medycznych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego

17 maja, 2020 w Kolegium Nauk Medycznych UR, prof. Tony Attwood i dr n. med. Agnieszka Rynkiewicz wspólnie przedstawią temat „Dziewcząt i kobiet z autyzmem (ASD)” oraz ich autorskie narzędzie diagnostyczne Q-ASC stworzone w 2011 roku.

Miejsce konferencji: PMCBI, Kolegium Nauk Medycznych UR, ul. Warzywna 1A, bud. G4

17 maja, 2020, rozpoczęcie konferencji godz.11:00

Wstęp bezpłatny

Po konferencji przewidziany jest czas na rozmowy i wpisy do książek przez naszego gościa z Australii.



Brief Bio

Professor Tony Attwood

Tony is a clinical psychologist who has specialised in autism spectrum disorders since he qualified as a clinical psychologist in England in 1975.  He currently works in his own private practice, and is also adjunct professor at Griffith University, Queensland and senior consultant at the Minds and Hearts clinic in Brisbane.  His book Asperger’s Syndrome – A Guide for Parents and Professionals has sold over 400,000 copies and has been translated into 27 languages.  His subsequent book, The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome, published in October 2006 has sold over 300,000 copies and has been translated into 18 languages, and is one of the primary textbooks on Asperger’s syndrome.  He has several subsequent books published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Future Horizons Inc. and Guilford Press.

Tony has been invited to be a keynote speaker at many Australasian and International Conferences.  He presents workshops and runs training courses for parents, professionals and individuals with Asperger's syndrome all over the world and is a prolific author of scientific papers and books on the subject.

He has worked with many thousands of individuals of all ages with Asperger's syndrome or an Autism Spectrum Disorder. 
