
Międzynarodowa Szkoła Letnia dla Młodych Naukowców

Instytut Nauk o Polityce Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego we współpracy z Instytutem Politologii Uniwersytetu w Lipsku oraz Warszawskim Biurem Fundacji im. Heinricha Bölla mają przyjemność zaprosić do udziału w tegorocznej edycji Szkoły Letniej Młodych Badaczy, która odbędzie się w dniach 3-9 lipca 2022 r. w Rzeszowie.

Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Rzeszow in cooperation with the Institute of Political Science at the University of Leipzig and the Warsaw Office of the Foundation Heinrich Böll is pleased to invite you to participate in this year's Summer School of Young Researchers, which will take place on July 3-9, 2022 in Rzeszow.


Prof. Krzysztof Żarna, University of Rzeszow, Institute of Political Science, Prof. Ireneusz P. Karolewski, Leipzig University, Institute of Political Science, The Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw

Key information on the Summer School

• Presentations by young scholars of their own work

• Presentations by experienced researchers

• Guided city tour through Rzeszow

• Plenty of discussions and networking

• No fees

• 25 slots for young researchers as participants; we strongly encourage applications from female researchers

• Full funding of 15 participants (travel, accommodation and subsistence) available (awarded depending on the quality of application and the funding needed)

• Full funding of 5 young Ukrainian researchers; eligible are those affected by war and displacement

• Estimated accommodation costs (for participants without funding): 400, EUR plus travel



Please send the following documents:

• description of your PhD project (max. 800 words)

• letter of motivation (max. 500 words)

• indication of the funding needed

To: kzarna@ur.edu.pl

Zgłoszenia będą przyjmowane do 30 maja 2022 r. / Application open till May 30th 2022
Szczegółowe informacje / Detailed information

