Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program
Bhumi Dalia
Fulbright Teaching Assistant
Bhumi pracowała jako specjalista ds. wizerunku w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Po trzech latach pracy w korporacjach, wróciła na studia drugiego stopnia na kierunek język angielski. Przez ostatnie dwa lata pracowała jako nauczyciel i prowadziła zajęcia z literatury amerykańskiej i kursy przygotowujące do egzaminu kwalifikacyjnego na poziomie zaawansowanym. W wolnym czasie lubi czytać, gotować i podróżować.
"During my time at the University of Rzeszów, I taught first year BA and MA Economics and Finance classes to students in the Economics department as well as Intercultural Business Communication, Writing for Business, and American Culture classes to first year Applied Linguistics students while conducting some English conversation sessions with students and faculty members.
I was fortunate to continue the Fulbright grantee project in Rzeszów of visiting local schools to engage with students of all ages from kindergarten to the 12th grade, from technical schools to art institutes. As a public high school teacher back in the U.S., this part of my grant experience quickly became one of my favorite things to do each week — engaging with the students in conversations about the U.S. education system, sports, culture, geography, social issues, and much more, provided me with an outlet to connect with the local community in a deeply meaningful way that also helped me learn more about the Polish education system. In visiting these local schools, attending competitions and school fairs, I was also able to gain a unique perspective on the workings of the public education system in Poland by talking to the educators. Being immersed in this community on a weekly basis, especially during the year preceding major educational reform and overhaul shed much-needed light on how systemic issues persist in the Polish education system —much like in the U.S. —and how the teachers, administrators and community members are working toward ensuring education is improved for the better for all students.
The Fulbright experience is truly what one makes of it. I have had the privilege and opportunity to grow both personally and professionally during my time in Rzeszów and in Poland. Beyond my classroom and broader grant responsibilities, I was warmly welcomed over and over again into the homes and families of colleagues at the University of Rzeszów, which not only increased my immersion in Polish culture and society but also allowed me to found a tight-knit community of my own in a new city where it can be easy to feel isolated simply for the fact of being so far away from the familiar surroundings of home. Still, I have come to call Rzeszów home during these past 9 months, and I hope future Fulbright grantees are afforded similar opportunities.
Perhaps one of the most important outlets for personal growth during my grant in Rzeszów resulted from the opportunities I had to travel for professional and personal reasons. Rzeszów is well-connected to major cities within Poland and most of Europe, and I was able to take advantage of this to visit other Fulbright grantees throughout Poland, present at numerous conferences, and also travel extensively throughout Europe and North Africa. I encourage any future grantee in Rzeszów to of course chart their own course during their grant, but to make sure that they carve out time to also travel in some capacity to fully experience the breadth of culture within Poland and its neighboring countries. It is only through meaningful and extended exposure and immersion in various cultures and communities that one is able to begin comprehending the nuances of a people and its culture, and I have been lucky to have had this privilege throughout my time in Rzeszów.
I would like to particularly thank everyone at the Center for Foreign Languages and the Department of Applied Linguistics for welcoming me and supporting me in numerous ways throughout my grant period. To my Applied Linguistics and Economics students, I wish you all the best for your future, but I would also like to thank all my students for challenging me and pushing me to become a better educator every day — it has been my pleasure and honor to be your teacher this past year. To my mentors, thank you for the many life lessons and your support, without which I would truly be lost in Rzeszów. To all the community members in Rzeszów who invited me to attend local festivals, events, and social gatherings with them, thank you for making me feel at home. Lastly, but most importantly, to the Fulbright Polska Commission — thank you for reaching out to me in late September of 2018 and offering me this life-changing opportunity! I look forward to continuing this cultural exchange and sharing all of my experiences, stories, and knowledge with and about the Polish culture and its people with friends, family, and my future students in the U.S. Until next time, Rzeszów!"
Wywiad z Bhumi Dalia dla Akademickiego Radia Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego - Feniks.fm
Prowadzący: Kamil Borysiak
Mały Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
W dniu 9 lutego 2019 r. odbyły się zajęcia w ramach Małego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego prowadzone również przez stypendystkę Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Bhumi Dalia. W zajęciach poświęconych amerykańskim stereotypom i mitom uczestniczyli uczniowie szkół z Rzeszowa i okolic.
"I was excited to teach the students during Children’s University at the University of Rzeszow. Overall, the lesson went really well and the students were enthusiastic about learning more about the United States’ culture and correcting misconceptions perpetuated through common stereotypes. Between small group activities, full class discussions, and a Q&A session, the students brought a lot of energy to the class, which made it an extremely fun and rewarding session to teach. I admired the students’ willingness to participate in thoughtful conversations, which created a healthy learning environment – the best that a teacher can hope for!"
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Briana Krewson
Fulbright Teaching Assistant
Briana studiowała neuronauki w Franklin & Marshall College w Lancaster, Filadelfia, Stany Zjednoczone. W okresie studiów prowadziła badania i udzielała korepetycji z przedmiotów ścisłych i z praktycznej nauki języka (pisanie). Chciałaby kontynuować studia na kierunku lekarskim. Jej pasją jest ekologia. W wolnym czasie biega, tańczy, gotuje, wędruje i czyta. Swoją przyszłość wiąże z nauczaniem.
"Time flies when you're having fun and working hard! This year, I taught Biological English at the Center for Foreign Languages to Bachelors and Masters level students, and Practical English at the Institute for English Studies to Bachelors students. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a teacher, engaging my students in discussions about challenging topics like culture in the USA vs Poland, religion and government, gender rights, etc. My students, originally quiet and reserved in their use of the English language, have blossomed. They are more confident and courageous, and better able to express their ideas in English, practicing through writing and through presentations. I know that my future, whether it be in public health or medicine, will somehow always involve teaching.
Rzeszów has truly become my 'home away from home'. I feel great pride in this Polish city, and I think it is the best one to reside in! I've worked hard to integrate into the community through various community events and presentations. I volunteered weekly with adults in Rzeszow who wanted to practice speaking English with a native speaker. In January, I organized my fellow Fulbright colleagues to come to Rzeszow and travel throughout Podkarpackie during the annual Holocaust Remembrance conference. I was exposed to small Polish villages that suffered from WWII, and I met such hospitable people. In addition, I've travelled to over 30 primary and secondary schools throughout Rzeszow and southern Poland, where I presented about USA culture. I've played four corners with students, watched American football with students, and discussed environmentalism with them too! I also presented at many schools during International Education Week, and was able to mentor a student with Education USA on how to apply to college in the USA. I've befriended traditional folk dancers in concerts at the Filharmonia, and I even attended a high school Euroweek retreat in Długopole. I've been on the University radio, and I also taught at UR Children's University in February. Additionally, I attended the annual Fulbright conference in Berlin, Germany, in March, representing Fulbright Polska and shedding light on how spectacular Poland is.
Poland is an incredible country. Not only does it offer the seaside in Gdansk and the Tatra mountains in Zakopane (I went skiing for the first time!), but it has quaint cities like Torun and Poznan, and larger metropolises like Kraków and Warsaw. I've worked this year to explore every corner of Poland to learn all about this country, visiting every major city (Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Lodz, Lublin, etc) but also appreciating multiple smaller ones like Łancut, Przemysl, Krasnik, and Lubartów. I hiked in the Bieszczady mountains, and I tried every type of pierogi. I learned about the triumphs and turmoil that is embedded in Polish History through many museums, death camps, and interviews. I have a love for zapiekanka and I adore Polish pierniczki!
Considering this experience was my first time abroad, I also took advance of my location in Europe and travelled to over 15 European countries. I fell in love with the Scottish highlands, Spanish tapas, and Greek sunsets, not to mention the blue water in Croatia and the volcanos in Iceland.
My nine months in Poland have taught me a lot about the world and about myself. As a cultural ambassador of Fulbright, I cannot wait to go back to the USA and tell people how special Poland is to me. I am thankful to all the Polish teachers, students, and residents that taught me their Polish customs and/or invited me into their homes. I am grateful to the Polish-US Fulbright Commission for providing me this opportunity to grow and exchange world knowledge. Most importantly, thank you to my mentors for being my support system while I lived in Rzeszow. It has been an honor to touch people's lives in Poland, and I cannot wait for my trip back to Rzeszow some day soon."
Wywiad z Brianą Krewson dla Akademickiego Radia Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego - Feniks.fm
Prowadząca: Agnieszka Trygar
Mały Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
W dniu 24 lutego 2018 r. odbyły się zajęcia w ramach Małego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego prowadzone również przez stypendystkę Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Brianę Krewson. W zajęciach poświęconych amerykańskim regionom i muzyce uczestniczyli uczniowie szkół z Rzeszowa i okolic.
"Children's university was a huge success and a pleasure to partake in! The students were attentive and participatory while learning about regions of the United States. They were excited to label their individual USA maps with words and diagrams that represented the unique cultures in each region. The students particularly enjoyed listening to varieties of American music from each region and playing some American games. I thank the students for their excitement and openness, and I wish them the best with their future studies!"
Tydzień Edukacji Międzynarodowej
W dniu 29 listopada 2017 r. odbyło się spotkanie Pani Briany Krewson, stypendystki Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, ze studentami i pracownikami Centrum Języków Obcych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego w ramach Tygodnia Edukacji Międzynarodowej. Podczas potkania Pani Krewson omówiła zasady rekrutacji i egzaminów wstępnych i opowiadała o życiu studenckim na amerykańskim miasteczku akademickim. Zachęcała do kontaktu z nią celem uzyskania bardziej szczegółowych informacji dotyczących procesu rekrutacyjnego.
Prezentacja - Studying in the USA: You can do it! - Briana Krewson
John Carlson
Fulbright Teaching Assistant
"After another successful year in Rzeszow, I can comfortably say that this city and it's people have had a profound impact on my social and academic life which I will always remember.
I have continued to teach native English to bachelors and masters students in the faculty of Law and Administration. Just like last year, my students are still a joy to have in the classroom. Although finding the courage to speak can still be a challenge for the students, their willingness to try has made teaching in the classroom a more enriching experience. In addition, I have been able to teach about various topics, most notably American politics, American literature and American education, which I think have been very informative for my students. It has been interesting to teach on such subjects and learn my students' reactions. Not only have they learned about such new topics, but I have also been able to learn more about the Polish system and culture from them. Two-way learning has been extremely beneficial for me and encapsulates the mission of the Fulbright program of which I am a part.
Continuing community engagement in Rzeszow has been an integral part of my time as a Fulbrighter here. I continued the tradition of doing school presentations in the local community, including different 'Podstawowa,' 'Gimnazium,' 'Technicum' and 'Liceum' and even went as far as Mielec to give a presentation about American culture! These presentations are the best way for locals to learn more about America and have been an absolute joy for me to give. While listening and asking questions, the students have shown impressive enthusiasm which in turn increased my positive energy to give informative and entertaining presentations. I was also able to participate in "Children's University" which allowed me give a native English lesson to younger members of the community. Additionally, I brought students from Rzeszow and Jaroslaw to the American Consulate in Krakow to hear more about the work that goes on there. Furthermore, setting up a informational booth during International Education Week regarding higher level study in the US allowed me to inform interested students in the possibility for them to get a fantastic education in the states. Continuing to attend the local language cafe has allowed thorough exchange of language and ideas, which has been instrumental by allowing me to create closer ties to the community. Interviewing on the radio, hosting another Fulbrighter in my classes, hosting a local essay competition winner in my class, conducting school presentations with last year's ETA .Kevin Kareckas and more all illustrate the interest I have for the community and vice versa.
This year, I wanted to spen.d more time exploring Poland, specifically Podkarpackie. To this end, my friends helped me visit Tarnow, Sanok, Folusz, Bieszczady, Przemysl, Jaslo, Jaroslaw, Lancut and even more. Poland is an incredibly beautiful country and I have been blessed to have been placed in the most beautiful part! Even places with names I cant recall have left an impact on me; just the other day I visited castle ruins near Zagorsz and a semi-ruined Carmelite monastery, both allowed for dramatically beautiful v,briews of the Polish countryside. Of course, travelling isn't the same unless it is with good friends. The people I have met here have become not only good friends, but I can comfortably say part of an extended family that I look forward to nurturing for many, many years. Fantastic Polish nature and engaging Polish people have made my experience once-in-a-lifetime.
When I am back in the United States, I will be sure to share my experiences with anyone that will listen and let them know about my fantastic journey in Poland. Here, 'journey' is the ideal word: I started on this path, unsure of where the road would take me and despite bumps in the trail, I managed to find exemplary companions and incredible vistas on the way; the road did not always go direct, but instead wove and danced, taking me to unexpected places and, eventually, making it to the end, where I've learned that the journey is more import_ant than the destination. However, the 'end' is not truly the end. I will continue my journey through retelling my experiences, which I will share with all, as well as by fostering my strong ties to this beautiful city of Rzeszow and it's people, who made all of this possible and all of this worth it. Thank you Rzeszow!"
Mały Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
W dniu 14 stycznia 2017 r. odbyły się zajęcia w ramach Małego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego prowadzone również przez stypendystę Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Johna Carlsona. W zajęciach poświęconych Amerykańskiej kuchni uczestniczyli uczniowie szkół podstawowych z Rzeszowa i okolic.
"Children's University was a success! Young students had the opportunity to learn about unique American foods and how to describe them using adjectives. They were enthusiastic learners who brought energy and excitement to the classroom. It was an absolute pleasure to teach them! I wish them all congratulations on completing their university class."
Tydzień Edukacji Międzynarodowej
W dniu 16 listopada 2016 r. odbyło się spotkanie stypendysty Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Johna Carlsona, ze studentami Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego w ramach Tygodnia Edukacji Międzynarodowej. Spotkanie poświęcone było procedurom przyjęcia na studia, wizom studenckim, stypendiom, sposobom pozyskiwania finansów.
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Fulbright Teaching Assistant
Fulbright Teaching Assistant
"Jestem z USA ale Rzeszow jest moja miasta. Siodmego lipca… On the 7th of July I will board a plane and fly back to the United States. That day represents the conclusion of a nine-month adventure in a place that I now call home—Rzeszow. The University of Rzeszow has provided me with a dynamic, professional, and fun environment to learn the nuances of the Polish system of higher education. I am humbled to have had the privilege to work so closely with the talented and experienced educators that compose the Center for Foreign Languages—most notably, Pani Dr. Marta Rzepecka. As there are many differences between the education system of the United States and Poland, I am grateful for the patience and guidance of Dr. Rzepecka throughout my time in the classroom.
I instructed first and second year bachelors, and first year masters students of economics. For the majority of my students, this year was the first full-immersion exposure to English native speaking instruction. Most of the students came into the classroom with a strong grasp on the grammatical structure of the English language; however, a significant majority had never been given much of an opportunity to practice speaking. Through a variety of activities and modifications of the course curriculum, I achieved my goal of getting every student to speak at least once during each class throughout the year. Through informal, summative assessments, we confirmed that we achieved our mutual class goals; many of the students feel more confident in their ability to speak English as a result of our time together. Without the student’s willingness to learn and Dr. Rzepecka’s tireless support of my creative approach to the curriculum, this would not be possible. I am very proud of my students and was heartbroken the final day of classes when we said our last goodbyes.
Outside of the classroom, I have fallen in love with Rzeszow and the Podkarpackie region of Poland. Through formal and informal language clubs, ski and kayaking trips, and general community engagement, I truly feel at home in Rzeszow—despite my less than superior command of Polish. Some of my favorite memories include daytrips to the beautiful countryside, touring small villages, and leading presentations on American culture in elementary and middle schools throughout the region. I estimate that I presented to over 1000 grade school pupils in and around Rzeszow. It was particularly pleasing to show the children how an outsider can truly enjoy living and working in their town. I hope that the children left my presentations inspired to be the change they want to see in their community.
Rzeszow is an easy place to love and to be proud of. I feel honored to have had the ability to represent Poland’s fastest growing city by leading a variety of events that were sponsored and organized by the United States Consulate in Krakow. My role as a cultural ambassador does not end when I return to the United States. I look forward to future opportunities to facilitate conversations with Americans about the place that I called home for nine months. Thank you Rzeszow; see you again, soon."
"My time in Poland has been far better than I ever could have expected!
In the classroom, I’ve taught native English to Bachelor’s and Master’s students in the Faculty of Law and Administration. I am very proud of my students who have worked hard and simply tried; as the old saying goes “practice makes perfect.” In addition to having fun in the classroom, I’ve tried to convey to my students that learning requires making mistakes. Especially when learning a language, anyone will make mistakes and the most important thing to remember is that making mistakes is not only OK, it’s expected, so long as you learn from them. When I make mistakes in Polish, I simply laugh and try to remember the correct phrase. I think my students have become a little more willing to make mistakes and, as a result, learn.
Outside of the classroom, I have had many opportunities to get to know the community. I’ve done presentations about American culture at local schools. This has been a great opportunity to spread information about my own culture while also entertaining questions from curious students. I’ve participated in the local Language Café, which provides the opportunity for cultural exchange between Poles and internationals from all over the world. Additionally, participation in an English language club has given me a deeper connection with locals. I’ve done a workshop about public speaking and given tips on success. I’m currently helping a Polish student apply to U.S. schools. I’ve been trying to learn the Polish language. By doing all these things and more, I’ve become closer to a community that I have come to love.
Travelling has also been an important part of my stay in Poland. Whether it’s kayaking on the Bukowa River, (attempts at) skiing in Krynica, hiking through Zakopane, exploring the palace at Łańcut or visiting the churches of Przemyśl, I’ve learned to cherish the beauty of Poland. Just as important (for me) as travel is the local cuisine including the ubiquitous pierogi, cotlet schabowy, barszcz czerwone, flaczki, miseria, and more delicious delicacies. However, my favorite activity has been simply learning about Polish culture and sharing aspects of being an American. For example, Polish friends shake hands; while in America, shaking hands is reserved only for formal occasions. Just like the cogs in a machine make it function, so do the small aspects of Polish culture coalesce to form the larger culture. Little examples like this fascinate me and I hope to gather enough to learn more about Polish culture.
My love of Poland and Rzeszow is so strong in fact that I will be staying for another academic year! I hope to continue learning Polish, teaching interested students and engaging with the local community to make strong connections even stronger. In conclusion, my stay in Poland has furthered my desire for not only international travel, but also international cultural exchange. Reading a book or doing research on the internet will only give you an idea of a different culture. One has to actually experience the culture to know what it is about. By coming to Poland, I am able to offer first-hand accounts of personal experiences which let others know what it’s like to be an American. Conversely, eating Polish food, speaking the Polish language, and developing connections with local Poles has helped me know, at least slightly, what it’s like to be Polish. Only by knowing more about each other can we dispel ignorance and foster meaningful relationships which will lead to a more globalized, informed world society.
Alright, have a great summer everyone and see you next year!"
Tydzień Edukacji Międzynarodowej
W dniu 18 listopada 2015 r. odbyło się spotkanie stypendystów Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych, Johna Carlsona i Kevina Kareckasa, ze studentami Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego w ramach Tygodnia Edukacji Międzynarodowej. Spotkanie poświęcone było procedurom przyjęcia na studia, wizom studenckim, stypendiom, sposobom pozyskiwania finansów. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z prezentacją.
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Wywiad z Johnem Carlsonem II i Kevinem Kareckasem dla Akademickiego Radia Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego - Feniks.fm.
Prowadzący: Joanna Szydełko, Aleksandra Haligowska, Tomasz Surowiec.
Mary Robinson
Fulbright Teaching Assistant
Mary Robinson, stypendystka Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta w roku akademickim 2014/2015, w ramach Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program. Urodzona w Forth Worth, Texas, Stany Zjednoczone. Absolwentka Middlebury College, Vermont kierunku lingwistyka. Mówi biegle po hiszpańsku i rosyjsku. Uczy się włoskiego i polskiego. Po powrocie do Stanów Zjednoczonych planuje rozpocząć studia doktoranckie na kierunku lingwistyka. W czasie pobytu w Rzeszowie chciałaby poznać polską kulturę, historię i kuchnię. Uwielbia gotować i piec.
"This year I taught Business English classes at the University of Rzeszow. I decided to come to Poland because I have always been interested in Polish language and culture. I thought a year in Poland would be a great way to learn more about both of those things while gaining experience as a teacher.
This year was a challenge unlike anything I have ever experienced. Before coming to Poland, I had never taught classes before. It was difficult for me at first to figure out how to run a classroom, how to make lessons interesting for my students, and how to present myself as a teacher. The entire first semester I would get nervous before every class I taught, doubting myself and thinking of all the things that might go wrong. However, I have learned so much this year about how to teach, how to write lesson plans, and how to evaluate student work, not to mention all I learned about business and economics. I have become more confident as a teacher and as a person, and I am grateful for this experience.
In the classroom, I taught first year, second year, and first year Master's students. I asked a lot of them, as we covered such diverse skills as how to write a CV and covering letter, how to plan an advertising campaign, and how to negotiate in English. Every time I gave them a difficult assignment, they rose to the challenge. I was lucky to teach such talented and clever students, and I appreciate all the hard work they did. The students were not the only good part of my stay here, however. Everyone at the University of Rzeszow has been very welcoming, and I appreciate all the professors who took time out of their busy schedules to get to know me.
Outside of the classroom, I have enjoyed getting to know Rzeszow and some of the people who live here. One way I did this was by giving presentations at local high schools, which was a highlight of my time here. I came to Poland in part to share my culture and teach Polish students that there is a lot more to America than what they see on TV and in the movies. I spoke about a variety of topics, including the American education system, American holidays and traditions, and fun facts about the history, economy, and geography of America. I absolutely loved doing these presentations. I want to thank the students and teachers at the high schools I visited for being incredibly kind, welcoming, and eager to learn about my home.
When I wasn't teaching or giving presentations, I was traveling around Poland. I have really fallen in love with this country during my time here: the people, the food, the beautiful countryside and bustling cities. I have seen as much of Poland as I could, but even a year is not enough to explore everything Poland has to offer. For those wondering, my favorite experiences were touring Łańcut, visiting the Solidarność museum in Gdańsk, coming face to face with a żubr in Białowieża National Park, and exploring Jarosław, since my great-grandmother immigrated to America from a small village near there.
I already cannot imagine my life without Poland, so I want to end my time here not by saying, "Do widzenia," but rather by saying, "Na razie!" Thank you so much to everyone who made this year possible, and I will be back in this lovely country again before long."
Tydzień Edukacji Międzynarodowej
W dniu 19 listopada 2014 r. odbyło się spotkanie stypendystki Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych Pani Mary Robinson ze studentami i pracownikami Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego w ramach Tygodnia Edukacji Międzynarodowej. Na spotkanu omówione zostały procedury przyjęcia na studia, wizy studenckie, stypendia oraz sposoby finansowania studiów w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z prezentacją.
Wywiad pani Redaktor Iwony Piętakze stypendystką Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych Pani Mary Robinson ze studentami i pracownikami Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego w ramach Tygodnia Edukacji Międzynarodowej, które odbyło się w dniu 19.11.2014 r.
Monika Zaleska
Fulbright Teaching Assistant
Monika Zaleska, stypendystka Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta w roku akademickim 2013/2014, w ramach Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Program. Absolwentka Swarthmore College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ukończyła literaturę angielską i pedagogikę, kursy z dziennikarstwa, poezji oraz "fiction writing". Sama również pisze artykuły i wiersze. Podczas swojego 9-miesięcznego pobytu na Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim prowadziła zajęcia z języka angielskiego specjalistycznego na Wydziale Ekonomii, przybliżając studentom zagadnienia z zakresu amerykańskiej ekonomii i języka angielskiego w biznesie oraz pełniąc rolę mediatora między dwoma kulturami.
"Already the length of this year has been condensed into thin ribbons of memory. My first day, my first class, my first presentation…I have been teaching Business English this year in the Economics Department with Dr. Marta Rzepecka as a 2013-2014 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant. While my time here in Rzeszów has not been too long, it has been very engaging and educational. From my students I have learned the importance of making learning interactive and interesting. From my fellow teachers, the particular challenges and pleasures of teaching Polish students. But before I get carried away, I would like to introduce myself a little better to those of you who don’t know me.
Just last year I was a student myself, at Swarthmore College, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I decided during my last year that I would like to come live and teach in Poland and I applied for a very competitive Fulbright Scholarship. Many of my students and friends have asked why I chose to come to Poland. I am a first generation American and my mother and father were born and raised in Katowice and Bytom respectively. For many years now I have wanted to come to Poland to spend time with my family, improve my language skills, and write about the experience. The Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship seemed like a great way to do this. As a student of both English Literature and Educational Studies, I was excited to develop my interests while on this adventure.
Now, this year has not been easy. I’ve left behind my family and friends, faced the challenges of a first time teacher, and dealt with the everyday struggles of living in a foreign country. But I have also struck out on my own—my mistakes and my successes have come by my own hand. I still remember my first presentation of the year, at the University of Rzeszów. As the room filled with students and teachers, all looking at me up on stage, I nearly froze. It took much courage and conviction to begin my talk, about education in the United States. But I rose to the challenge, and have gone on to give several more presentations this year, on subjects as various as Virginia Woolf, or the art of translation. However, my greatest success has been my development as a teacher. For my students in Rzeszów reading this—thank you for being so welcoming! It made all the difference those first few weeks when I couldn’t figure out how to play the listening exercise or how to Xerox something. I will miss your hard work as we made our way through the lessons in Market Leader.
I will also reflect fondly my many adventures in Rzeszów and this beautiful region. Walking on Rzeszów’s main street…visiting Łancut Castle…spending a weekend in the Bieszczady Mountains. These places will be imprinted in my memory, and will come alive again whenever I speak to one of the many colleagues, students, and friends I met here. So please keep in touch!"
Tydzień Edukacji Międzynarodowej
W dniu 25 listopada 2013 r. odbyło się spotkanie stypendystki Polsko-Amerykańskiej Komisji Fulbrighta ze Stanów Zjednoczonych Pani Moniki Zaleskiej ze studentami i pracownikami Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego w ramach Tygodnia Edukacji Międzynarodowej.
Na spotkaniu omówione zostały procedury przyjęcia na studia, wizy studenckie, stypendia oraz sposoby finansowania studiów w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Tydzień Edukacji Międzynarodowej jest wspólną inicjatywą Departamentu Stanu i Departamentu Edukacji U.S.A. mającą na celu promowanie programów, które przygotowują studentów amerykańskich do studiowania na świecie i zachęcają studentów z zagranicy do studiowania oraz wymiany doświadczeń w Stanach Zjednoczonych. W ramach tej inicjatywy organizowane są serie warsztatów, seminariów i spotkań, które mają na celu przybliżenie korzyści płynących z edukacji w U.S.A., wymiany akademickiej i ze współpracy w programach akademickich i zawodowych. Spotkanie przygotowała dr Marta Rzepecka (jest na opiekunką stażu stypendystki z U.S.A) z Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Nauki Języków Obcych
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