Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to two conferences dedicated the global and emerging environmental contaminants. Through a series of keynote lectures, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, we aim to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and generate actionable insights into the ways for addressing the challenges posed by environmental pollution and its multifaceted impact on human health and the environment.
Both conferences are under the honorary patronage of His Magnificence, the Rector of the University of Rzeszów.
We warmly invite you to share your research, insights, and innovations with an international audience in order to advance knowledge and develop solutions to address emerging environmental contaminants.

The Project funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland Programme 2022
Emerging environmental contaminants – current status, challenges and perspectives
The hybrid conference will be held in Rzeszów on April 9-10, 2025.
The conference is dedicated to discussing together one of the greatest challenges of modern times - emerging environmental pollution. During the event, we will focus on sources and effects of pollutants such as pesticides, PFAS, microplastics, pharmaceuticals, and nanoparticles, as well as on their impact on human health and ecosystems. The aim of the conference is to present the current state of knowledge and share experiences in the field of environmental pollution. In addition, the organizers' intent is to activate and integrate the academic community, create a place conducive to the exchange of ideas and information. The conference will also provide an ideal environment for developing new cooperation and meetings with experts.
The topics do be discussed during the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Methods of Environmental Monitoring and Management – Current Status,
- Water and Soil Pollution Control
- Environmental Protection, Treatments, Remediations, and Prevention
- Biotechnology in Environmental Protection
- Law, Regulations, Legislations
- Pollutions ver. Well-being, Quality of Living
The Conference “Emerging environmental contaminants – current status, challenges and perspectives” will be held in-person in Rzeszów, Poland and online, providing the people who cannot travel for any reason with an option for attending it. Attendees will be able to connect with researchers from all over the globe and network in-person or online. A lower registration fee applies for online-only participation.
Our keynote speakers will be: Joana Prata, DMV PhD, from Cooperativa De Ensino Superior Politécnico Universitário Gandra, Portugal, Zisis G. Vryzas Ph.D. Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Agriculture, Pesticide Science Laboratory, University Farm, Thessaloniki, Greece and M. Russel B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D Associate Professor, School Of Ocean Science and Technology, Department of Environmental Ecological Engineering, Dalian University of Technology (Panjin campus), Liaoning Province, P.R.China

Joana C. Prata, DVM PhD, is an Invited Auxiliary Professor at the IUCS and at the University Institute of Health Sciences, CESPU, Portugal. She has a PhD in Biology and Ecology of Global Changes specialized in Environmental Biology and Health (2021). She conducts interdisciplinary research on contaminants, having published over 50 peer-reviewed papers (h-index of 28) and is a highly cited researcher. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics.
She has been involved as a team member in several national projects and is the responsible investigator on a project studying dietary human exposure to microplastics (MICROEXPOS_GI2-CESPU-2023). She has experience in working with risk assessment, toxicology, analytical methodologies (for chemical characterization of contaminants), and biochemical and molecular tools. She has supervised 2 Bachelor students and is currently supervising 2 PhD students and 2 Master students.

Dr. Zisis Vryzas holds BSc and MSc degree in Crop Protection and PhD in Pesticide Science. He teaches undergraduate and post-graduate courses in the fields of Pesticide Science (Introduction to Agricultural Pharmacology, Advanced Agricultural Pharmacology, Agrochemical Fate in the Environment, Integrated Crop Protection -Product Certification) and Environmental Protection (Agriculture and Environment, Ecotoxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment and Agro-ecosystem Pollution).
His research expertise is focused on the:
- Development of pesticide residue and toxins analytical methods
- Environmental fate of pesticides and contamination of surface- and groundwater bodies
- Monitoring of pesticide residues in environmental samples, food and Feed
- Pesticide risk assessment and prioritization exercises
- Ecotoxicological behavior of pesticides and their metabolites
- Effects of post-harvest treatments on the fate of pesticides on processed foods
- Interactions of pesticides with soil microbial community - Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR)
- Use of Constructed Wetlands for remediation of pesticide point source pollution sites.
He has studied the environmental fate of different classes of pesticides with particular focus on the leaching, preferential flow, run off and contamination of surface-and ground-water bodies. He has been working on monitoring of pesticide residues in environmental samples and has conducted numerous ecotoxicological and human health risk assessment studies. The last six years within the frame of the EU project MSCA-RISE European Commission H2020, KNOWPEC he has focused on prioritization of pesticides and conducting hierarchic risk assessment of pesticides under various environmental and agricultural conditions. He has studied the ecotoxicity of pesticides on different non-target organisms (microtox test, fish, higher plants). Dr. Zisis Vryzas is also a member of the IUPAC Advisory Committee on Crop Protection Chemistry and member of the editorial board of the IUPAC’s CropChem News and ACS Agricultural Science & Technology. His research activity has resulted in 50 articles in international peer-reviewedjournals (total citations:2600, h-index:28). He has reviewed over 300 papers in more than 40 international scientific journals. He was a member of the organizing and scientific committee of the 14th and 15th IUPAC International Congress of Crop Protection Chemistry and of the SETAC EUROPE 32nd annual meeting.

Dr. M. Russel received his M.Sc and Ph.D. degree in Environmental Science and Engineering in the year of 2009 and 2012 respectively, from the China University of Geoscience, Wuhan, P R China and B.Sc in Leather Technology in the year of 2004 from University of Dhaka. Dr. Russel received research training as a visiting scholar at the State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, P R China. He had couple of research fellowship experiences during Masters and PhD study periods. Like M. Phil exchange fellowship at the department of chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University, Doctoral joint research fellowship at Department of Environmental science and engineering, Waikato University and Food and Bio-based Group, Agresearch Ltd. Hamilton, Newzeland. He had worked with DESA, Sustainable development group in United Nation, New York, USA, Head Quarter for sound environmental management.
Dr Russel is currently working as an Associate Professor for Environmental Pollution and Ecological Monitoring at School of Chemical Engineering, Ocean & Life Science, Dalian University of Technology, P. R. China since September, 2013. Dr Russel is an environmental science and engineering expert with more than 14+ years’ experience and worked with several local and international organizations as well as research institutes. He served as a scientific reviewer, consultant and associates for ADB, WB and IFC funding projects national and internationally through Easen International Ltd. (Shanghai based consulting firm). Dr. Russel has contributed to the research and development sector with his novel research of developing novel dielectric spectroscopic sensor monitoring the environmental soil and water contamination challenges. He also has developed novel biological approaches to remediate the current water pollution challenges. His novelty and creativity in the research field of environmental science is commensurate with his publication in various sci indexed journals. To date he has published more than 50 sci-indexed international journal and international conference proceedings, 3 patents, and 6 Keynote speech. He has also Chair in couple of international conference. Dr Russel coedited and edited a couple of books and a book chapter which were published in prestigious Elsevier journals. Dr. Russel is currently 3 international journal editorial board member and working as reviewer.
Regular participants: 150 EUR / 650 PLN
On-line participants: 50 EUR / 200 PLN
Payment in EUR/$
Beneficiary name: University of Rzeszow
Beneficiary address: Aleja Rejtana 16c, 35-959 Rzeszow
Bank name: BANK PEKAO SA
Bank adress: ul. Grzybowska 53/57, 00 - 844 Warszawa, skr. poczt 1008
Bank account: PL 43 1240 6292 1978 0011 0187 0752
Purpose (please state): “EEC Conference 2025”, Name and Surname of the participant
Payment in PLN (polish zloty)
Beneficiary: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rejtana 16C, 35-310 Rzeszów
Bank name: Bank PEKAO S.A
Bank account: 95 1240 6960 1562 0000 0250 0185
After the conference fee is credited to the conference bank account, an invoice will be issued for each payment, therefore we kindly ask you to provide the appropriate invoice details during the registration process.
Registration Fee For All Participants Includes:
- Participation in all scientific sessions
- Conference materials
- Access to the Exhibition Area
- Invitation to the Welcome Reception
- Lunches and coffee breaks
An article processing charge (APC) applies for each article accepted for publication in Discover Molecules. More information is available on journal page.
- Ewa Szpyrka, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Rzeszów, Poland - Chair
- Idalia Kasprzyk, PhD, DSc, ProfTit, Faculty of Biology and Nature Protection, University of Rzeszów, Poland
- Joana C. Prata, DVM PhD, Auxiliary Professor, Associate Laboratory i4HB, Institute for Health and Bioeconomy and UCIBIO, Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit, Translational Toxicology Research Laboratory, University Institute of Health Sciences (1H-TOXRUN, IUCS-CESPU), Gandra, Portugal
- Zisis G. Vryzas, BSc, MSc, PhD Associate Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Agriculture, Pesticide Science Laboratory, Thessaloniki, Greece
- M. Russel, BSc, MSc, PhD, Associate Professor, School Of Ocean Science and Technology, Department of Environmental Ecological Engineering, Dalian University of Technology (Panjin campus), Liaoning Province, P. R. China
- Małgorzata Kida, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland
- Łukasz Jurczyk, BFishEng, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor, Department of Soil Science, Environmental Chemistry and Hydrology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Protection and Management, Faculty of Technology and Life Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Poland
- Magdalena Podbielska, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow - Head
- Łukasz Jurczyk, Ph.D., D.Sc., Associate professor, University of Rzeszow
- Magdalena Słowik-Borowiec, Ph.D., D.Sc., Associate professor, University of Rzeszow
- Ewa Szpyrka, Ph.D., D.Sc., Associate professor, University of Rzeszow
- Anna Górka, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Wiktoria Jordan-Stasiło, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Katarzyna Kluska, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Iwona Makuch-Pietraś, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Paulina Książek-Trela, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Julia Brewka, M.Sc., University of Rzeszow
- Jan Cichoński, M.Sc., University of Rzeszow
Sponsorship benefits:
- The conference provides a good opportunity to promote your organization's environmental and social values and invaluable opportunity for you to promote your company to community of scientists.
- Conference will be an opportunity to introduce your name and brand to the experts of the field during the event.
- Allows your representatives to reach key markets and strengthen institutional relationships.
- Provides you with a significant amount of useful information to develop your company.
- Within the framework of the terms and conditions presented to you; your sponsorship will ensure that participation and support are announced in the most effective and widespread manner.
Platinum Pack: 2200 Euro
- Verbal acknowledgement as one of the Main Conference Sponsors at the opening and closing of the meeting.
- Full colour advert on the holding screen in the main auditorium at the start of each session.
- Full page colour advert in the conference program
- Acknowledgement as one of the Main Conference Sponsors on all printed and electronic documents, book and promotional flyers.
- Company logo on conference website with links to company website.
- Pull-up banner (provided by the company) at the registration desk.
- Company logo appearing regularly in all conference screens and e-posters screens.
- Main space for stand exhibition.
Gold Pack: 1100 Euro
- Verbal acknowledgement as the Gold Sponsor at the welcome reception.
- Colour advert on the holding screen in the main auditorium at the start of each session.
- Full page colour advert in the conference program
- Acknowledgement as the Gold Sponsor on printed documents, including conference abstract book and promotional flyers.
- Company logo on conference website with links to company website, and regular appearance in conference screens.
- Includes Stand exhibition place.
Silver Pack: 600 Euro
- Verbal acknowledgement as the Silver Sponsor during the welcome cocktail.
- Colour advert on the holding screen in the main auditorium at the start of each session.
- Half page colour company advertisement in the conference abstract book
- Acknowledgement as a Silver Sponsor on printed documents, including conference abstract book and promotional flyers.
- Company logo on conference website with links to company website.
Payment in cash and traveler's cheques is not accepted.
Bank transfer is the only acceptable method of payment.
Microplastic are now recognized as a ubiquitous and global pollution problem. Its a rapidly growing topic in environmental and food analysis. Therefore, methods of the analysis are very important.
The conference program will include with an engaging workshop designed to offer practical, hands-on training for microplastic analysis utilizing the Pyr-GC-MS.
- Sample preparation
- Pyrolysis GC/MS analysis and instrumentation
- Validation of the method
- Data acquisition and quantification method
- Practical advice – do and don'ts in microplastic analysis
The workshop is only for in-person conference participants.
The workshop will not be streamed online.
The number of people in a group is limited (12 people). In case of a large number of registrations, we anticipate increasing the number of groups.
The workshops will be held in building A0/wing B4, next to the conference venue (link to Streetview).
We also kindly invite you to the next event, which will be held immediately after, and is free of fees. Please read below.

The Excellent Sub-Carpathian region – a comprehensive environmental study at the University of Rzeszów for the benefit of the region
This conference is supported by the Minister of Science of the Republic of Poland under the Programme „Regional initiative of excellence”.
Agreement No. RID/SP/0010/2024/1.
Air Quality and Global Pollution: Monitoring, Exposure and Human Health
April 10-11, 2025 in Rzeszów
The hybrid conference focuses on addressing critical global challenges related to air quality and its impact on human health and the environment. The event is dedicated to exploring the nature and sources of biological and chemical pollutants in the atmosphere, examining the interaction between different types of air pollutants, and discussing innovative methods for monitoring air quality. A key aspect of the conference is the integration of the exposome concept, which provides a comprehensive framework for understanding how environmental exposures, including biological and chemical air pollution, interact with human health and the environment. This approach aligns with the One Health concept.
The topics to be discussed at the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Monitoring and modelling of biological and chemical air pollution
- Bioaerosols – pollution interaction
- Indoor air quality
- Air quality and ONE HEALTH
- Methods in air monitoring
The Conference Air Quality and Global Pollution: Monitoring, Exposure and Human Health will take place in-person in Rzeszów, Poland, with an option for online attendance available, allowing participants who are unable to travel to attend it online.
Participation in Air Quality and Global Pollution Conference is free of charge.
During the conference we provide coffee breaks and lunches.
- Idalia Kasprzyk, PhD, DSc, ProfTit, Faculty of Biology and Nature Protection, University of Rzeszow, Poland – Chair
- Donát Magyar, Ph.D., Department of Air Hygiene and Aerobiology, National Public Health Center, Hungary
- Nicolas Visez, Ph.D., Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Associate Professor at University of Lille, France
- Branko Sikoparija, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at BioSensе Institute; University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences, Serbia
- Matthew Smith, Ph.D., University of Worcester, Great Britain
- Łukasz Grewling, Ph.D., DSc, Laboratory of Aeropalynology, Department of Systematic and Environmental Botany, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland
- Dorota Myszkowska, Ph.D., DSc, Chair of Toxicology and Environmental Diseases
Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
- Ewa Szpyrka, Ph.D., DSc, Associate Professor, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Rzeszów, Poland
- Katarzyna Kluska, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow – Head
- Łukasz Jurczyk, Ph.D., D.Sc., Associate professor, University of Rzeszow
- Magdalena Słowik-Borowiec, Ph.D., D.Sc., Associate professor, University of Rzeszow
- Anna Górka, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Wiktoria Jordan-Stasiło, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Iwona Makuch-Pietraś, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Paulina Książek-Trela, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Magdalena Podbielska, Ph.D., University of Rzeszow
- Julia Brewka, M.Sc., University of Rzeszow
- Jan Cichoński, M.Sc., University of Rzeszow
Feb 28, 2025 Registration
Mar 10, 2025 Abstract Submission Deadline (Please send the abstract to the following address: eec2025@ur.edu.pl)
Feb 28, 2025 Due date for registration fee payment for the conference „Emerging environmental contaminants – current status, challenges and perspectives”
Abstract guidelines
Abstract template
Both conferences will be held at the University of Rzeszów,
Al. Rejtana 16c, 35-959 Rzeszów, building A1,
Saint Jadwiga Hall on the ground floor
We'll meet here - building A1 (link to Google Maps)
How to get from Rzeszów airport to the city (link to the airport website)