Guidelines for authors
General information
- The journal "Słowo. Studia językoznawcze" is published by the University of Rzeszow as an annual. The journal publishes articles in Polish and in congress languages. Text submitted for publication should additionally include: keywords, abstract and title in Polish and English, affiliation of the author of the article, ORCID number and e-mail address.
- Previously unpublished articles, polemics, reviews, translations of foreign texts from the corresponding subject area of the journal, as well as information, reports and memoirs related to the scientific life of the linguistic community are accepted for publication.
- Procedure for submission of texts:
- texts for a given calendar year are accepted until March 31, they should be sent to:
- by the end of April the Authors receive information about the preliminary qualification of the text by the Editorial Board;
- by the end of June Authors receive the opinion of external reviewers;
- after the review, the Authors (if necessary) apply corrections according to the reviewer's suggestions;
- after the first editorial correction, the Author receives the work for author's correction, after which the Author sends it back to the Editor within two weeks;
- Authors do not receive a fee for works published in print. However, they are entitled to 1 free copy of the journal;
- printed works and unsolicited or electronic versions of them are not returned to the Authors by the Editor.
- The journal has rules aimed at preventing cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship.
a. definition of terms:
- ghostwriting is a phenomenon that occurs when someone has made a significant contribution to a publication, but does not disclose his or her participation (he or she is not listed as a co-author of the paper, nor is his or her role included in the form of acknowledgments included in the publication);
- guest authorship (honorary authorship) is a phenomenon that occurs when the author's contribution is negligible or did not take place at all, but is nevertheless the author/co-author of the publication.
b. The procedure for counteracting ghostwriting and guest authorship phenomena adopted by the journal:
- the phenomena of "ghostwriting", "guest authorship" are a manifestation of scientific dishonesty, and any detected cases will be unmasked by the Editorial Board, including notification of relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.);
- the editors will require the authors of the publication to disclose the contribution of individual authors to the publication (with their affiliations and contributions, i.e., information on who authored the concepts, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of the publication), with the primary responsibility of the author submitting the manuscript;
- the editorial board of the journal will document all manifestations of scientific dishonesty, especially violations and breaches of the ethical rules of science.
- Text information: A4 format, Word, Times New Roman 12 pt font, line spacing 1.5, text aligned to the left and right margins, paragraph indentation 0.67; volume up to 40 thousand characters with spaces (1 author sheet). Along with the text, details about the author (name, degree, place of employment, telephone number and web address) must be provided.
Structure of the article
The text should have the following order:
I. Author's data
first and last name
ORCID number
II. Title of the text in Polish (or in another language in which the text was written)
III. Title of the text in English
IV. Abstract in Polish
V. Keywords in Polish
VI. Abstract in English
VII. Keywords in English
VIII. Text of the article
IX. List of abbreviations
X. Bibliography/Literature (only items referenced in the text)
XI. Possible appendix, appendices
Footnotes and bibliography
Please ensure that citations and bibliographic references follow the APA standard (for more information:
- Footnotes in the text
- Citations in the main text:
W monografii J. Ożdżyńskiego (1998, p. 88) przedstawione zostały...
Pragmalingwistyczny opis agresji… (Taras, 2013, pp. 162–175). - Quoting verbatim:
"Moda językowa jest zawsze zależna od ogólniejszych tendencji kulturowych panujących w społeczeństwie i konkretnych preferencji członków grupy, jeśli chodzi o sposoby bycia czy zachowania" (Ożóg, 2004, p. 94).
- Bibliographic addresses
- Journal article:
Miodek, J. (2020). Językowe fascynacje Floriana Śmiei. Słowo. Studia językoznawcze, 11, 7–12.
- Article in a collective work:
Mrózek, R. (1998). Nazwy terenowe. In E. Rzetelska-Feleszko (ed.), Polskie nazwy własne. Encyklopedia (pp. 231-257). Warszawa–Kraków: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Języka Polskiego PAN.
- Book:
Myszka, A. (2016). Urbanonimia Rzeszowa. Językowo-kulturowy obraz miasta. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
- Edited work:
Ożóg, K. (ed.). (2009). Język żyje. Rzecz o współczesnej polszczyźnie. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
- Multi-volume publication:
Rymut, K. (ed.). (2001). Nazwy miejscowe Polski. Historia. Pochodzenie. Zmiany (Vol. 1–16). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe DWN.
- Online sources:
Oronowicz-Kida, E. (2017). Przeszłość w nazwach własnych zapisana (na podstawie Pamiętnika Andrzeja Urbana). Słowo. Studia językoznawcze, 8, 154–163. files/ur/import/private/77/IPID/czasopisma/slowo/slowo_8/10_oronowicz.pdf
- Solution of abbreviations (please provide in alphabetical order):
AntrP – A. Cieślikowa (ed.). (2013). Antroponimia Polski od XVI do końca XVIII wieku (vol. 4). Kraków: Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN.
ESHP – Elektroniczny słownik hydronimów Polski.
NMPol – Rymut, K. i in. (eds.). (1996-). Nazwy miejscowe Polski. Historia. Pochodzenie. Zmiany (vol. 1-). Kraków: IJP PAN.
SSNO – Taszycki, W. (ed.). (1977). Słownik staropolskich nazw osobowych (vol. 5). Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.