Incoming Staff

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (2021-2027)

ECHE - 101009165
Erasmus code - PL RZESZOW02
PIC - 984448830, OID - E10171468


                                                                                                            Information for Incoming Teachers and Other Staff


If you are a teacher or other staff of our Partner University from Programme Coutries or Partner Countries and you are willing to come to the University of Rzeszow you should send


- Staff Mobility for Teaching Mobility Agreement


- Staff Mobility for Training Mobility Agreement


duly filled in, signed and stamped to It will be forwarded to the Departmental Coordinator for acceptance.


Academic calendar


Additional info for Staff from Partner Countries (projects - KA171, KA131-Ukr) - please fill in On-Line Application Form. Your data will be used for preparing the Invitation Letter and the individual agreement..


All information about the University of Rzeszów you will find on the web site


Mobility statistics


Lucyna Kustra-Kłeczek - Erasmus+ Institutional  Coordinator - Responsible for Inter-Institutional Agreements, Outgoing and Incoming Staff -, phone: 48 17 872 1071
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski / University of Rzeszów
International Relations Office
Rejtana str. 16C, build. A1, room 44
35-959 Rzeszów, Poland