Information package

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (2021-2027)

ECHE - 101009165
Erasmus code - PL RZESZOW02
PIC - 984448830, OID - E10171468




  1. Rzeszów
  2. History of University of Rzeszów
  3. Authorities of University
  4. Address of University
  5. International Relations Office
  6. Coordinators
  7. Academic Calendar
  8. Accommodation
  9. Registration
  10. Temporary residence permit / Visa requirements
  11. Insurance and medical help
  12. Cost of living
  13. Library
  14. Language of teaching
  15. Students organisations
  16. ECTS grading scale



Rzeszów, a city more than 640 year old with an area of 54 km2, about 180,000 inhabitants, is situated on both sides of the Wislok River; it is surrounded by the Sandomierska Valley in the north, and the Carpathian Foothills in the south.

Rzeszów, the capital of the Podkarpacie Province the biggest city in the south-eastern part of Poland, the seat of the bishop's see the place of the International Festival of Polonia Folklore Groups; an industrial, business, and cultural center of the region.

Rzeszów, the most important academic center in south-eastern Poland; it has several schools of higher education: the University of Rzeszów, the Rzeszów Technical University, the Higher School of Management, the Higher School of Computer Studies and Management, Administration College, and the Higher Clerical Seminary.

Apart from the schools of higher education, several organizations of staff education have been established in Rzeszów within a couple of years: the Rzeszów School of Managers, the Promotion of Entrepreneurship Association, Consulting Agency, Business Support Centre, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Rzeszów Agency of Regional Development, and several language schools: PROMAR-INTERNATIONAL, YES, New English School and Resovia English School.

Rzeszów successfully co-operates with the neighbouring countries: the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Russia and Ukraine. Rzeszów's twin cities are: Bielefeld in Germany, Buffalo in the USA, Klagenfurt in Austria, Kosice in Slovakia and Lvov in Ukraine.
Rzeszów and historic monuments - the Town Hall from the 15th century, SS. Stanislaus and Adalbertus gothic-baroque town church from 15th century, a belfry form the beginning of the 17th century, Bernardine Monastery built at the beginning of 17th century, the former Piarist Monastery from the 17th century, Old Town and New Town synagogues from the 17lh century. The most impressive building in Rzeszów is the Lubomirski Castle with a defensive embankment from the 16th century.

Rzeszów and culture - the Wanda Siemaszkowa Theatre is the organiser of one of the oldest Polish festivals - Rzeszów Theatre Festival. Plays are also performed during Rzeszów Carnival Meetings, Open Air Meetings, the Festival of Foreign Language Theatres, and the International Biennial Exhibition of Theatrical Poster.

The Puppet and Actor Theatre "Kacperek" has functioned as a mobile theatre and has performed its plays in Poland and abroad.

The Artur Malawski National Philharmonic House has two concert halls which are considered to be among the best ones in Poland in terms of acoustics. For a couple of decades, the Philharmonic House has organised the world-famous Music Festival in Łańcut.

Furthermore, there are several museums, cinemas and cultural centers in Rzeszów as well.



The University of Rzeszów started his activity on September 1, 2001.

University was established through the merger of Pedagogical University of Rzeszów, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University of Lublin, Rzeszów branch, Rzeszów Economy Faculty of the Agricultural Academy of Cracow.

The University is a state institution.

The University has 12 faculties (till September 30, 2019): Faculty of Art, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, Faculty of Biotechnology, Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education, Faculty of Law and Administration, Faculty of Sociology and History.

From October 1, 2019 the University of Rzeszów consists of 4 colleges - College of Humanities, College of Medical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, College of Social Sciences,

The education takes place in day and extra-mural systems, as well as master's and bachelor's degrees. The University of Rzeszów is entitled to give PhD's degree in the faculty of history and a doctor's degree in: archaeology, biology, history, sociology, physics, theory of literature and linguistics. The University conducts also postgraduate studies.

About 16,000 students study now at the University in full and part-time system. The most of students come from Podkarpacie Province.

The Library of the University has more than 702,795 volumes.

The University of Rzeszów keeps up contacts with foreign universities. UR collaborates to about 180 universities all over the world and additionally with almost 280 universities within Erasmus+ programme (KA131 and KA171). The participation in international programmes (ERASMUS, LEONARDO DA VINCI, COMENIUS and so on) gives every student and scientist the possibility to complete partial studies, placements, research, doctor's studies and language courses.



Rector - Prof. Adam Reich

Vice Rector for Students and Academic Affairs - Prof. Sabina Grabowska

Vice Rector for the College of Humanities - Prof. Janusz Pasterski

Vice Rector for the College of Medical Sciences - Prof. Artur Mazur

Vice Rector for the College of Natural Sciences - Prof. Józef Cebulski

Vice Rector for the College of Social Sciences - Prof. Jolanta Szempruch



University of Rzeszów
16 C Rejtana str.
35 - 959 Rzeszów, Poland
tel.: +48 17 872 10 00


PIC 984448830

OID: E10171468


5. Erasmus+

Opening hours: Mo and Fri 9.00 - 14.00

Lucyna Kustra-Kłeczek - Erasmus+ Institutional  Coordinator - Responsible for Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements, Outgoing Staff (STA) and Incoming Staff (STA,STT) -, phone: 17 872 10 71
Anna Zając - Responsible for  Incoming Students and Outgoing Staff (STT) -, phone: 17 872 15 72
Aleksandra Dańczyszyn -  Responsible for  Outgoing Students, Outgoing Staff (STA, STT) -, phone: 17 872 15 71
University of Rzeszów
Department of Education
Section for Academic Exchange and Foreign Students
Rejtana 16 C, room 44
35-959 Rzeszów, Poland



Departamental Coordinators



Academic calendar 2024/2025



The University of Rzeszów is in possession of 2800 places in students' hostels

Hostel "Laura"
35-326 Rzeszów
Cicha str. 2
tel. (+4817) 854-18-59
Head: M.A. Tadeusz Marut

Hostel "Filon"
35-326 Rzeszów
Cicha str. 4
tel. (+4817) 854-18-93
Head: Izabela Winiarska

Hostel "Merkury"

35-959 Rzeszów
Ćwiklińskiej str. 2b
tel. (+4817) 857-42-67

Hostel "Hilton"
Ćwiklińskiej str. 2c
tel. (+4817) 857-42-65

Hostel "Olimp"

Siemieńskiego str. 17
35-203 Rzeszów
tel. (+4817) 853-92-05


9. REGISTRATION - exchange students

Foreign exchange students have to make the work of registration; any information you can receive in International Relations Office. The International Relations Office at the University of Rzeszów deals with all student and teaching staff matters regarding going abroad for studies or research and incoming students and scientists who wish to study or do research at the University of Rzeszów. The staff at the Office provides information and assistance on studies, placements, research, scholarships, and application procedures connected to various exchange programmes.

Foreign students are under special care of Office's staff from the beginning till the end of their stay in Rzeszów. In particular they:

  • pick students up at the station,
  • introduce them to academic staff
  • and Dean's Office where they receive student's card - legitymacja studencka issued by our University. This card entitled them to reduced bus or train ticket price.
  • help to find student tutor who will be able to help foreign students with some practical matters during your stay.
  • provide Polish Language Course for Erasmus student
  • organize trips to Kraków, Wieliczka and Łańcut for Erasmus students



EU/ EEA Citizens - Temporary Residence

An EU citizen can enter Poland with their ID document - a valid travel document e.g. passport, or another document certifying their identity and citizenship.

- For stay up to 3 months the legalization of stay is not necessary.

- For stays exceeding 3 months, an EU citizen obtains a temporary residence permit (Polish: karta pobytu obywatela UE). In case
of students, the residence permit is issued for one year. This document is issued by the Department of Citizens Affairs of the Provincial Office (Polish: Urząd Wojewódzki). Temporary residence permit is granted to Union citizens who have health insurance and sufficient resources to cover their expenses without  social security support.

Documents  to be submitted by the student to the Provincial Office in order to obtain the residence permit:

  • copy of the travel document (passport or other ID document)
  • health insurance document
  • official letter of acceptance from the Polish university (with information about the planned period of study)
  • declaration about sufficient resources to cover the subsistence costs in Poland
  • 2 photos
  • application form (Polish: wniosek o zezwolenie na pobyt)

Citizens of the EEA countries are subject to the same conditions as the EU citizens.

The citizens of Switzerland can enter Poland only on the basis of a valid passport.

Non-EU Citizens – Visa

A citizen of a non-EU country can enter Poland on the basis of a valid travel document (passport) and a visa (if required).
A citizen of a non-EU country has to obtain the visa from the Consulate of Poland in their country of residence. The short-term visa entitles to stay in Poland up to 3 months, the long-term visa - up to 1 year. The prolongation of visa in Poland is only possible in case of a force majeure or situation impossible to foresee while applying for the visa in the consulate. The visa can be prolonged only once. It is therefore necessary to apply for a visa in the consulate for the whole planned period of stay in Poland.

For details please contact the Polish Embassies / Consulates in Europe.

Persons who have received a visa for the whole period of stay in Poland are not obliged to apply for a residence permit for their stay in Poland.

See also:

Study in Poland                                             -

Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs                  -

Polish Embassies/ Consulates in Europe     -

Embassies in Poland                                     -




EU/ EEA Citizens

Students are obliged to have health insurance and accident insurance. Students of the Faculty of Medicine and each student coming for traineeship have to buy additional insurance - liability insrurane (min. 20 thousands PLN)

Polish health care system bases on general health insurance.

In Poland, persons covered by the general health insurance are entitled to free health services at the health care providers who have concluded contracts with the National Health Fund.

During a temporary stay in Poland, a person entitled to health care under EEA rules receives health services in the following areas:

  • primary health care
  • specialist out-patient care
  • hospital treatment
  • dental treatment
  • rescue services and ambulance transport


In case of necessity of providing medical care, a student from a member country staying temporarily in the territory of Poland is entitled to free health care on the basis of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or on the basis of a special certificate. The student is obliged to submit one of these documents (it is possible to have also a copy) together with an identity document directly to the public health care provider.

In the case of lack of the European Health Insurance Card or equivalent document, the patient will be obliged to cover costs of treatment by himself. The same obligation arises in case of treatment provided by a health care unit which has no contract with the National Health Fund (NFZ).                                      

If there is a need of hospital treatment, a doctor's referral is required.

In case of sudden illness, accident, injury, intoxication, life threat, a patient receives necessary medical benefits without referral.

Hospital treatment is free of charge for a patient who possesses the European Health Insurance Card or a certificate.

In Poland, there is also a private sector. The costs of medical care in these institutions is possible to be reimbursed if a student has received a health insurance policy in his country before departure.


Non-EU/ EEA Citizens

Students are obliged to have health insurance and accident insurance. Students of the Faculty of Medicine and each student coming for traineeship have to buy additional insurance - liability insrurane (min. 20 thousands PLN)

The students from non-EU/EEA countries should purchase health insurance in their home country, before departure. In case of the ISIC or Euro<26, insurance is included in the card and the student does not need to buy another one unless they want to increase its scope or value. Erasmus students (having so called legitymacja studencka - student's card - issued by the host university) are usually allowed to consult doctors at academic medical care centres. Anyway, according to state health regulations foreigners (except the EU/EEA citizens, see above) have to pay for a medical consultation. The cost is then reimbursed by the health insurance company.


Medical help

In case of emergency - tel. 112

Monday-Friday - Medical Centre - MEDYK(Link do innej strony), 53 Rejtana str., 7 a.m. - 8 p.m., tel. +48 17 865 20 02

Weekends, holidays, nights - Hospitals:

1. Kliniczny Szpital Wojewódzki nr 2 im. Św. Jadwigi Królowej, Rzeszów, ul. Lwowska 60, tel. +48 17 861 19 01, outgoing care - +48 17 866 49 10
2. Samodzielny Publiczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Nr 1 (Szpital Miejski), Rzeszów, ul. Rycerska 4, tel. +48 17 861 10 39
3. Szpital Specjalistyczny Pro-Familia, Rzeszów, ul. Witolda 6b, tel. +48 17 773 57 08
4. Kliniczny Szpital Wojewódzki Nr 1 im. Fryderyka Chopina, Rzeszów, ul. Szopena 2, tel. +48 17 852 81 88, +48 17 852 88 76


Surgical, dental, ophthalmic help
1. Pogotowie Ratunkowe w Rzeszowie, ul. Poniatowskiego 4 - surgical help - tel. +4817 852 66 01
2. Pogotowie Ratunkowe w Rzeszowie, ul. Poniatowskiego 4 - dental help - +48 17 860 59 50  
3. Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny im. F. Chopina - ul. Szopena 2 i Szpital Miejski im. Jana Pawła II - ul. Rycerska 4 - ophthalmic help

See also:

The National Health Fund:                            -



Costs of living for one month is about 650 - 900 zł (148-205 Euro)



ul. prof. Stanisława Pigonia 8
35-959 Rzeszów



The official language of teaching in the University of Rzeszów is Polish. But a lot of subjects are also conducted in English. The list of these subjects you can find on the web site
Foreign students can participate in Polish Language and Culture Course.



  • ELSA (The European Law Students' Association) is the biggest, non-political association. It organises students of law and young lawyer.
  • AEGEE, is the biggest interdisciplinary organisation of students. It is a non-political association. The aim of this organisation is the promotion of European idea, democratic cooperation and tolerance in academic circle.
  • AIESEC - it is the biggest students' organisation in the world. It acts in 85th countries in the world. The principal aim of this organisation is the education. It conducts the program of practices which gives the possibility to get knowledge and experience abroad.
  • Students Union -
  • Cultural Set
    • Corps de dance "Resovia Saltans"
    • Chamber Choir
    • Students' Club "Pod Palmą"
    • Student Cabaret "Kaczka Pchnięta nożem"
    • Polish Students Association
    • The Independent Association of Students
    • The Academic Christian Association


17. ECTS grading scale:











outstanding performance with only minor errors




above the average standard but with some errors




generally sound work with a number of notable errors




fair but with significant shortcomings




performance meets the minimum criteria




some more work required before the credit can be awarded




considerable further work is required


ECTS credits:


one semester

one full academic year

30 ECTS credits

60 ECTS credits