Application procedure
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (2021-2027)
ECHE - 101009165
Erasmus code - PL RZESZOW02
PIC - 984448830, OID - E10171468
STUDENT of the University of Rzeszów
We cordially invite you to take advantage of the opportunity to go abroad under the Erasmus+ programme for studies or traineeships.
If you hesitate and have doubts, ask your colleagues - who were not afraid of new challenges - about their experience of being in international community and about the benefits of the mobility.
Before completing the online questionnaire, you should:
- Get acquainted with the Regulations for the implementation and financing of mobilities abroad of students and graduates of the University of Rzeszów under the Erasmus + programme. Project duration: 1.06.2022 - 31.07.2024
- Select the university at which you want to study (paying, amongst others, attention to the field of study, degree of study, language of instruction) from the file of Partner universities.
- Have completed the following ATTACHMENTS:
- certificate from the Dean's Office with the average grade from the course of studies calculated as for the certificate
- language certificate or teacher's opinion specifying the level of foreign language proficiency (does not apply to students of philology and other courses in English)
- application letter
- substantive opinion of the research/didactic teacher about the candidate
- supervisor's opinion (if the student intends to go abroad in his last year of study)
- opinion of the head of the student organization / supervisor of the scientific club, etc. (if applicable)
- a copy of your previous Erasmus study or internship certificate (if applicable)
- certificate from the Dean's Office on receiving a social scholarship (if applicable)
- certificate of disability (if applicable)
- passport photo
The average grade and the level of knowledge of a foreign language should be entered in the online questionnaire in accordance with the above-mentioned annexes
If you have the above-mentioned attachments, you must complete the on-line questionnaire.
The questionnaire completed, printed and signed by the student should be brought together with the above-mentioned attachments and a photo to the Section of Academic Exchange and Foreign Students of the Education Department of the University of Rzeszów (Rejtana 16 C, room 44, Rzeszów)
Deadline for submission of documents – March
REMARK!!!! Incomplete documentation or documents completed contrary to the above recommendations - will not be considered !!!
Your next step is to fill in the
Your queries shall be dealt with via e-mail or phone:
- studies, traineeship - mgr Aleksandra Dańczyszyn -, tel. +17 872 15 71
Students! Call or write when you certainly do not find an answer on this or the previous page.