Student Code of Ethics

Student Code of Ethics

University of Rzeszów


            Recognizing the deep connection between the moral qualities of students and the ethical level of future graduates, bearing in mind the good name of the University of Rzeszów, with full awareness of the impact of education on the standard of human life, the Code of Ethics for Students of the University of Rzeszów is hereby established.

            The University of Rzeszów's Student Code of Ethics is based on fundamental values whose observance is intended to bring pride to both the Students themselves and the University.

Chapter 1

General provisions


The student should co-create a supportive and friendly academic community, support other students in their studies and have a motivating influence on the social groups of which they are a member, and actively help younger and newly arrived students in adjusting to the conditions of academic life, as well as in getting to know and abide by the rules of the University of Rzeszów.


Students should, on their own initiative, familiarise themselves with and abide by the principles of this Code and disseminate its principles to the academic community of the University, and, if necessary, stand up for them. Compliance with the Code is entrusted to all students of the University, to their sensibilities and to their conscience.


Students should refrain from participating in any event inside or outside the University that is derogatory to their dignity, to the dignity of others or that could harm or compromise the good name of the University.


Students should be particularly empathetic towards people with disabilities and international students and assist them wherever possible.


Students should remember that throughout their studies they represent the University of Rzeszów also outside its walls. Taking this into account, they should behave with dignity and be a model of lawfulness, honesty and present the highest ethical standards.

Chapter 2

Obligation of self-improvement


The student should strive for self-improvement, shape their character and personality and make every possible effort to continuously enrich their knowledge, in particular by taking part in voluntary and extra-curricular activities.


The student should regard all forms of knowledge verification as an element contributing to personal development.


The student should be characterised by civil courage and be able to take responsibility for their actions, including their negative consequences.


The student should, as far as possible, support the academic and social initiatives undertaken, as well as engage in the development of the University, actively participate in conferences, trainings, open lectures, events taking place at the University that can contribute to the development of knowledge, as well as participate in their organisation.


The student is obliged to resolve all disputes in the academic environment always first through mediation by the University Mediation Centre or any other method chosen by the parties.


The amicable settlement of disputes at the University always involves a mediation procedure, with the final stage being the University Arbitration Court.

Chapter 3

Attitude to the University's academic community


Respect for the University's image and the dissemination of its achievements should be the main motive for students' conduct in external relations. The student's attitude should promote the University's good name, its achievements and traditions.


Students should treat University Employees equally, regardless of their position in the academic hierarchy, observing the principles of good manners in particular:

- respecting the culture of speech by avoiding words commonly regarded as offensive or vulgar,

- taking examinations and wearing formal clothes indicated by the University authorities during academic ceremonies,

- expressing respect by greeting and salutation, and addressing members of the community in accordance with academic titles.

Chapter 4

Student rights


Students have the right to claim from any person working at the University the protection of their rights granted under the Higher Education Act and the University's Rules and Regulations of Studies.

Chapter 5

Unethical and reprehensible behaviour


It is considered particularly reprehensible to violate the ethical standards set out in the Code in order to obtain a financial or any other benefit directly or indirectly related to facilitating the completion of a course of study.


The student should react to any manifestation of unethical behaviour of other students. Firstly by preventing it or by reprimanding them, always aiming for an amicable resolution of disputes and, as a last resort, executing the law.


As unethical and unauthorised behaviour in all circumstances the following should be cosidered:

(1) academic dishonesty whether that be credit, examination papers and any other papers included in the programme or course of study, or assistance with receiving such credit,

2) unexcused lack of punctuality, disruption of teaching activities or disrespectful attitude towards studies,

3) participating in classes in scruffy or grossly inappropriate clothing,

4) discriminating against other students on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, sexual orientation and for any other reason.